– I know I’m still being provoked

[ad_1] Håkonsund knew Ari Behn well. In recent years he was also his manager. – For a long time, Ari was the first person I spoke to in the morning, and the last person I spoke to at night, says Håkonsund on TV 2’s Presseklubben program. The last time the …

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Car rental giant Hertz in big trouble

[ad_1] Tourism companies are among those that hitherto have been the most affected by the crown crisis. There have been sudden stops here for many. But while airlines around the world now receive crisis packages, car rental companies need to manage themselves. And that is not easy. Here, too, there …

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Cancel the exchange this fall – VG

[ad_1] CANCELED: The University of Oslo and all the universities and colleges in the country are canceling their exchange stay this fall. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix Many universities and colleges now confirm that they are canceling exchanges this fall, as a result of the crown pandemic. The Corona …

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The police wanted to arrest Hagen again.

[ad_1] PUBLISHED: Tom Hagen left the Oslo prison around 5.30 p.m. Friday, after the prosecution’s appeal for custody was dismissed in the Supreme Court. Photo: Gisle Oddstad Police investigators wanted to re-arrest murder victim Tom Hagen when he was released from Oslo prison on Friday afternoon, but the state prosecutor …

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15 millioner til kamp mot innleiesnusk – E24

[ad_1] Regjeringen gir i revidert nasjonalbudsjett tirsdag 14 millioner til Arbeidstilsynet og 1 million til Petroleumstilsynet for å følge opp nye regler for innleie. Arbeids- og sosialminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) varsler penger til å følge opp nytt regelverk for innleie i revidert nasjonalbudsjett. Vis mer Thomas Brun / NTB …

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