Trump overcomes quarantine – Dagbladet

[ad_1] NEW YORK (Newspaper): In recent days, both Vice President Mike Pence’s press spokesperson Katie Miller and a military officer who worked closely with President Donald Trump have tested positive for the coronavirus. It has caused further chaos in the White House, according to various US media. Some members of …

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Corona Virus – Alarm: – Hastened

[ad_1] Wuhan, China, January 9 of this year. A 61-year-old man visited the seafood market in the city and is now hospitalized with pneumonia. Despite the treatment, his life must not be saved. He dies this Thursday night. The 61-year-old man becomes the first to die of coronavirus-related disease. Four …

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West Country must defend West Country

[ad_1] published published Right now Bridge or ferry across the Bjørna fjord? It’s about more than that, issuers write. Photo: Alice Bratshaug (Archive) Debattinnlegg Pål W. Lorentzen and Geir Inge Lunde Founders of Initiativ Vest: a creator of ideas for western Norway The County Committee in Vestland his degradation of …

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Mange nordmenn planlegger for Norgesferie – Lofoten på topp

[ad_1] Myndighetene fraråder reiser til utlandet som ikke er strengthent nødvendige på grunn av koronakrisen. Derfor er nordmenn bedt om å planlegge for norgesferie i år. I in fersk undersøkelse gjennomført av Norstat på oppdrag fra Finn reise svarer tre av fire nordmenn at de planlegger å ta ut sommerferie …

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Police reject Tom Hagen to move home

[ad_1] The Eastern Police District continues the investigation after Tom Hagen was released from jail on Friday. The 70-year-old man is still charged with murder or complicity in the murder of his wife Anne-Elisabeth. Tom Hagen’s lawyer Svein Holden tells TV 2 that the police searched the house in Sloraveien …

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