Coldest weather on Sunday and mixed weather in Norway on May 17

[ad_1] After experiencing high temperatures and bright blue skies, eastern Norway woke up to different weather on Sunday. Temperatures had not only decreased significantly, but had also snowed up to 200-300 meters. Places like Nannestad, Jessheim, and Tryvann were dotted with fresh snow. – We received more winds from the …

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Weather on May 17: this is the weather on May 17

[ad_1] After experiencing high temperatures and bright blue skies, eastern Norway woke up to different weather on Sunday. Temperatures had not only decreased significantly, but had also snowed up to 200-300 meters. Places like Nannestad, Jessheim, and Tryvann were dotted with fresh snow. – We got more winds from the …

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This causes Vibeke to respond:

[ad_1] In the past few months, people have had more time to clean up and throw away things they may no longer need. This has led to the recycling stations becoming overcrowded. Figures from the Recycling and Recycling Agency in Oslo indicate that 400 tons more waste has now been …

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Professor: – 12,000 kommer til å dø av corona i Sverige

[ad_1] Matematikkprofessoren Tom Britton ve Stockholms universitetet har gjort utregningen på oppfordring fra nyhetsbyrået TT. Han brukte tallmateriale fra svenske Folkhälsmyndigheten fra Stockholm 6. april, og delte på antall døde 30. april – tre uker senere, med utgangspunkt i tiden det tar fra man blir smittet til man eventuelt dør. …

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– It could have had a tragic result

[ad_1] Through this window, three inmates managed to get out of the Kristiansand prison on Saturday night. published: published: Less than 50 minutes ago The window from which the prisoners escaped is approximately one meter wide and 1.2 meters high. The window has a sturdy plexiglass shape that should be …

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Plus entered for the first time as all of Norway closed

[ad_1] – In April we produced 77,000 liters. That’s more than we produced throughout 2018, says the brewery’s manager. STAVANGER (Nettavisen Økonomi 🙂 Something is at stake in Jæren. Hardly two years have passed since the first bottles were released, and less than a year since the beer entered the …

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