– A unique shock in the labor market

[ad_1] China has long denied that the coronavirus can spread among humans, known as local spread. Four months after admission, more than 4.2 million people have been confirmed worldwide and nearly 300,000 deaths. Massive unemployment figures Economic activity has stopped in China this year. The official unemployment rate is high, …

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Coronavirus: must order food

[ad_1] Low-wage migrant workers in Qatar, one of the world’s richest countries, say they were forced to order food due to the country’s economic recession during the crown pandemic, The Guardian writes. The newspaper has spoken anonymously to several foreign workers. They say they are at risk of losing their …

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Disclosure: The Billion Crisis Game – itromso.no

[ad_1] Hurtigruten Richard With says slowly to an empty dock in Tromsø with nine passengers on board. The tour buses are gone, the guides are smiling in their absence. Four passengers get off the boat, five are on board. Usually there are 350 on board. – On the previous trip …

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Donald Trump – Kritikken hagler etter dette

[ad_1] USAs president Donald Trump holdt mandag kveld in pressebrifing om coronasituasjonen i landet. Pressemøtet fikk imidlertid en brå avslutning, da presidentn så rødt etter et spørsmål fra Weijia Jiang, CBS News’ korrespondent, ifølge The Guardian. – Du sier ofte at USA gjør det bedre enn noe annet land når …

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323 companies must return support

[ad_1] The tax director’s first impression is that few abuse the cash support scheme, but he is not inclined for that reason. The Tax Agency is now easing the veil of how people who shouldn’t have received cash support still do. Deputy Tax Director Hans Christian Holte believes that surprisingly …

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Koronaslurv vekker bekymring – Innenriks

[ad_1] Av Johan Falnes – Det er atferden til hver enkelt av oss som er avgjørende, sier statsminister Erna Solberg (H). Nå som Norge gradvis åpnes opp igjen, er det ekstra viktig at folk ikke begynner å slappe for mye av, advarer hun. From grunnleggende rådene må følges: Vask hendene, …

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