6 billion more to hospitals

[ad_1] $ 5.5 billion will cover additional hospital costs related to the covid-19 pandemic and allow hospitals to resume normal patient care. In addition, the government proposes a temporary reduction in the employer contribution, which will save around NOK 500 million for the regional health authorities. For Health-South-East, the largest …

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Sanner: Norsk økonomi er snudd på hodet

[ad_1] Lav oljepris, skatteutsettelser og failedde inntekter fra sokkelen er blant det som har snudd Norges statsfinanser på hodet, sa finansministeren. – I høst budsjetterte vi med et overskudd på 255 milliarder kroner, inkludert oljeinntekter og fondsinntekter. Nå kan vi få et underskudd på 124 milliarder kroner, sa Sanner. They …

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Boy killed in terrorist attack in Kabul

[ad_1] Babies and newborn Afghan mothers landed in the middle of the firing line when gunmen stormed a hospital in Kabul on Tuesday morning. Two young children, eleven mothers and an unknown number of nurses died during the attack, says a spokesman for the Afghan Interior Ministry. Another 15 people …

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The Hagen family criticizes the police investigation.

[ad_1] mp-stories-top widget Tom and Anne-Elisabeth Hagen’s children believe that the father, accused of murder, is innocent and that police investigations of murders limit the chances of finding the mother, Romerikes Blad writes. – They are very concerned that the police continue on the track that they have obviously blocked …

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Corona bill so far: SEK 241 billion – E24

[ad_1] Oil spending in the state budget has doubled due to the crown. Including loans and guarantees, the crown measures have a limit of almost NOK 500 billion. Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) puts an even higher crown bill on the table. see more Håkon Mosvold Larsen, NTB scanpix …

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