Record result for Stangeland

[ad_1] With sales of more than NOK 1.7 billion, 2019 became a record year for Stangeland. Published: Published: Right now From left, Stangeland Group CEO Olav Stangeland, Stangeland Maskin CEO Tommy Stangeland, CFO Egil Bue and CFO Jan Klingsheim, both Stangeland Group. Photo: Stangeland In 2019, Stangeland Maskin had sales …

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SAS og Norwegian-passasjerer må bruke munnbind

[ad_1] Alle passasjerer hos SAS og Norwegian må fra 18. mai bruke munnbind på selskapenes flygninger. Munnbindene må passasjerene ta med selv. Luftfarten vil i stor grad vil være påvirket av reiserestriksjonene også i tiden framover, påpeker SAS, men selskapet er forberedt på at flere etter hvert vil fly igjen. …

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Hagen-barna mener politiet har tunnelsyn

[ad_1] Det sier barnas bistandsadvokat Ståle Kihle til TV 2. De er overbevist om at faren deres er uskyldig anklaget for drap eller medvirkning til drap. Selv har de tre barna vært i flere avhør på ulike stadier i etterforskningen. – De har opplevd et stadig tiltakende personfokus mot Tom …

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Bigger right on new measures

[ad_1] Growth continues just after totaling 8.5 percentage points in April. From April to May, enrollment increases by another percentage point in the measurement Opinion has made for the Free Trade Movement, Dagsavisen and ANB. For the Progress Party and the Center Party, the measure is a less joyous reading. …

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Sanner med historisk underskudd i statens finanser – E24

[ad_1] Svært mye renner ut og mindre enn vanlig kommer inn i statskassen. For første gang siden 1994 vil statsbudsjettet og Oljefondet samlet sett gå med underskudd. Finansminister Jan Tore Sanner (H) hadde røde tall å vise frem i Revidert nasjonalbudsjett 2020. Vis mer Dan P. Neegaard Publisert:Publisert: 13. May …

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Red-green majority missing – Comment

[ad_1] These are abnormal times. Political parties are largely excluded. However, the strength of the parts is normalizing. The exception is the right that is coming. In Opinion’s poll, the Right is the country’s largest party for the second consecutive month. Ap is relegated to second place despite the May …

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Sweden: Accused of 23 years of killing ex-boyfriend (17)

[ad_1] Thousands of people have been involved in the search for the 17-year-old, who has not yet been found. About ten days after the search, however, a part of the body was found, which was carried out by the police, concluding that she is no longer alive. The Swedish prosecutor’s …

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– Like a breath from a great world – VG

[ad_1] PEOPLE INFORMATION: Erik Tandberg, photographed here at his home in Majorstuen in July 2019. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB scanpix Aerospace expert Erik Tandberg will visit today from Rice Church. Tandberg, who is known, among other things, for directing NRK’s ​​monthly landing broadcasts, has been cited by the station …

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