Northguider Trawler Wreck Removed – E24

[ad_1] The wreckage of the Northguider trawler has now been completely removed from Hinlopen in Svalbard. Almost two years have passed since the ship sank. The Minister for Justice and Emergency Management, Monica Mæland (H), was conducting an inspection of the area in connection with the Northguider uprising. see more …

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Doctor denies Trump had a stroke – VG

[ad_1] PRESIDENT: Donald Trump during Tuesday’s visit to Kenosha. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP WHITE PLAINS (VG) Despite the fact that no serious media has reported that it has happened, Donald Trump’s doctor came out on Tuesday and denied that the president had a stroke in the past year. “President …

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– The hack is not directed at me.

[ad_1] Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) can breathe a sigh of relief after the hacker alarm went off at the Storting today. Unlike the attacks on other members of the Storting, the attack on Mehl should not have allowed them to obtain information. But not because they haven’t tried. – I …

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War scenes on a Swedish island

[ad_1] – It’s about one thing: marking territories. That is what Russia is doing sailing with its ships, and now the Swedes come with a clear message: we are ready to fight. This is how Danish military expert Peter Viggo Jakobsen analyzes the Swedish march of planes, soldiers and military …

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