Municipality of Kristiansand: nine infected after vaccination

[ad_1] On Tuesday morning, municipal chief doctor Styrk Fjærtoft Vik in Kristiansand municipality claims that nine residents of the Grimtunet care center in Kristiansand have been diagnosed with covid-19 after receiving the corona vaccine. The case was first reported by NRK. – The nine residents of the Grimtunet housing association …

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This will be the case of the Supreme Court against Donald Trump

[ad_1] Negotiations took place Monday on how Democrats and Trump supporters will present their arguments when the Supreme Court case opens in the Senate on Tuesday. It was negotiated how much time should be devoted to opening speeches, how long senators take to cross-examine and which witnesses should be subpoenaed. …

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– There is a coordinated active hate campaign against me

[ad_1] One of the world’s leading experts on Ethiopia, Professor Kjetil Tronvoll, says he has been exposed to a hate campaign from the country. He has received several death threats. Professor Kjetil Tronvoll is Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Bjørknes University College in Oslo and has been researching …

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This is how Russia’s military behavior has changed

[ad_1] Vice Admiral Nils Andreas Stensønes, head of the Intelligence Service, says Russia will carry out the big exercise Zapad (“West”) during the fall, which will simulate a regional war against an opponent in the west. The intelligence service looks at the next major Russian exercise in its public threat …

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Corona in Kalnes hospital: – Infected in hospital:

[ad_1] A woman in her 30s became infected with corona after being admitted to Østfold Hospital in Kalnes last week. She is one of a total of four known cases of infection among hospital patients. Additionally, 13 employees have been diagnosed with a covid-19 infection. The patient, who lives in …

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