Outbreaks in the White House – Isolated:


From night to Thursday, vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris are sent into the ring against each other.

It will be the first time that the two meet to measure forces with the eyes of the entire nation in front of them. The fact that President Trump (74) is infected by the crown and that opponent Biden (77) is the oldest candidate of all time does not diminish interest in the two “heirs.”

Not be recognized

The vice presidential debate takes place amid a period in which Americans and the world are not getting enough news about what is happening with Trump’s crown disease. As vice presidential candidates gather in the Olympic city of Salt Lake City in Utah, the president sits isolated in the White House some 3,000 miles away.

The Crown Crisis

Crown crisis “saves” Norway

Also, the presidential seat is in a constitution that is not recognizable. The infection has caused radical changes within “The West Wing”, the most sacred wing. Donald Trump’s court usually works here.

To turn off

It is a large organization of advisers, lawyers, lobbyists, communicators, politicians and officials. Furthermore, journalists are the ones looking for news every day. In the lower corner, in the Oval Office, Trump is working on a series of official assignments.

Watch Dagbladet’s broadcast of the vice presidential debate here:

It was announced Wednesday that Trump is back in the Oval Office, after he and his wife Melania have been isolated in the residential part of the White House.

At least ten people closely associated with the White House president are infected with coronavirus.

Big eruption

According to Politico, up to 34 people have tested positive in what is known as the “Trump outbreak.” Among them are the first lady, advisers, journalists, colleagues, but also the family of people who have been in the White House.

CORONAVASK: The White House press room will be infected Monday. The activity inside the most sacred place of the residence is now much less than usual due to the eruption. Photo: REUTERS / Erin Scott / NTB
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The outbreak is feared to be even larger, as there have been a large number of contacts and travel activities for several of those infected.

Donald Trump is among the heads of state who have been criticized the most for ignoring the rules of distance, bandages and at the same time they have gathered thousands in electoral campaign events.

New leak: - A porn prostitute

New leak: – A porn prostitute

There is great uncertainty about how the disease will affect Donald Trump and the presidency, but also about how it will affect the current election campaign.

“West Wing is like a ghost town,” an employee told the Washington Post.

Puddle of infection

Avisa may also reveal that various employees are said to have headed to its headquarters and cleared their seats at the White House even before Trump was diagnosed with the coronavirus, because the infection is said to have spread.

ISOLATED: Donald Trump and his wife Melania are being held in solitary confinement at the White House. The president (74) has a great health system around him. Photo: Win McNamee / Getty Images / AFP / NTB
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At this time, the world’s most famous head of state of residence is an infection group. The outbreak in the White House is probably the most serious among the world’s major power apparatus so far, writes Business Insider.

Trump was diagnosed with the disease late last week and announced the news that he and his wife were infected with corona on Friday night. According to the guidelines, they must at least remain in isolation until Monday.

Measuring terror for Trump

Measuring terror for Trump

Strict regime

Inside the White House, the president has a team of about 30 healthcare workers who monitor his health. You’re also taking a relatively untested cocktail of drugs.

SHARP CRITICISM: The former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, is not courteous in her criticism of the president. Video: Twitter / Michelle Obama
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Trump’s doctors have been reluctant with a number of details about the president’s health, but, among other things, they administered oxygen last week and also treated him with steroids.

The last photos the world has seen of him are from Monday night, when he returned home from a three-day stay at Walter Reed Military Hospital and the White House.

According to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Trump will return to work full time on Wednesday. Meadows also says the president is doing well.
