Oslo Stock Exchange opens 0.7 percent after several days of sharp declines – E24


On Thursday, Børsen rises after a very leaden week. Equinor is one of 19 companies that submitted a quarterly report before opening.

Gorm Kallestad


The oil giant warns that it is cutting values ​​of NOK 27 billion due to the weaker price outlook. When Eldar Sætre last released a quarterly report as CEO on Thursday, the numbers were weaker than in the same period last year.

At the same time, Aker BP’s quarterly report shows that the company will cut investments by 920 million. DNO increased its deficit in the third quarter and posted values ​​of NOK 1.89 billion in the North Sea.

Kahoot also released new figures Thursday. The learning platform continues explosive growth, increasing billable revenue by as much as 241 percent in the past year.

Kahoot falls 5.74 percent right after the stock market opens. Shares of the largest companies are generally rising since the beginning of Thursday:

  • Equinor rises 0.41 percent
  • Aker BP rises 1.54 percent
  • DNO rises 1.1 percent
  • Orkla rises 1.7 percent

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Striking case

On Wednesday, stock markets around the world had a leaden day.

The main index closed down 3.19 percent. The drop came, among other things, after the negative evolution of oil prices, which fell more than four percent on Wednesday.

At the same time, Wall Street had its worst trading day since June. The top three indexes fell more than three percent.

Also in Europe, the Frankfurt and Paris stock exchanges closed sharply. Thursday’s trading begins with a slight rise on the mainland.

The global recession came after the second corona wave hit more and more countries.

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Must close again

The new wave of infections is forcing Europe to shut down again.

In France, intensive care units are filling up once again, and both President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Angela Merkel in Germany announced Wednesday night that they would be closing the society again.

On Thursday, virus fears continue to erode sentiment in Asia, where all equity markets are falling.

The decline also continues for the price of oil. Right after the opening of the Oslo Stock Exchange, a barrel of North Sea oil cost $ 38.86, down 0.41 percent since midnight.
