Oslo Police: enforce infection control rules


City Councilor Raymond Johansen introduced new crown measures in Oslo on Monday, emphasizing that obvious and serious violations of the municipality’s infection control regulations will be followed up.

– I have had a dialogue with the police more recently today and in the future we will consider reporting what we consider serious violations of infection control regulations. This is especially related to events where infection control rules are not followed, says Johansen.

MEASUREMENTS: Raymon Johansen presented new measures to prevent infection in Oslo.
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Prepared for various cases

Chief of Staff Harald Nilssen in the Oslo Police District tells Dagbladet that the police will use resources to enforce the measures within normal service.

– We take infection control very seriously, says Nilssen, noting that the police, among other things, impose fines for repeated violations of infection control rules and active spread of infection.

Violations of quarantine and isolation have previously been fined between 5,000 and 22,000 crowns. However, most of the fines have been around 20,000 crowns, says Nilssen.

– We hope that people will follow the rules that are given, but with new measures we are prepared for more cases within the new measures, says Nilssen.

Enforce entry rules

Enforce entry rules

New measures

Councilmember Raymond Johansen stresses that it is due to concerns that more crown measures are now being introduced, and that care must be taken and still in control.

– We do it so as not to end up in a situation in which the curfew is the only measure left, says the town council leader and lists the following measures in force as of next Thursday at 12:

  • Mandatory for indoor masks in public places (shops, malls) where you cannot keep at least one meter away.
  • Mandatory for bandages inside restaurants for employees and guests in all situations where you do not sit at a table.
  • Stop admitting new guests to the discos at 10 pm.
  • The limitation of participants in all indoor events without a fixed seating location is reduced to 20 people.
  • Home office order and requirement that all employers must document that employees have been advised that they must have a home office to the extent possible.
  • The number of contacts during a week should not exceed 10 people in social settings, in addition to household members and kindergarten and primary school cohorts.
  • Prohibition of private meetings with more than 10 people.
  • Mandatory for masks in public transport when a distance of one meter cannot be maintained.- Stop drinking at midnight.
  • Limitations in general sports for adults.
  • A maximum of 200 people can be present at outdoor events.
Squeeze sharply

Squeeze sharply

– Understand that many are sad

– You, we must reduce the mobility of society. Reduce the number of close contacts. Reduce the number of people you meet. Can you work from home? Do it. Can you postpone the wedding and confirmation? Do it. I understand that many are sad, that many are sad, and that many have probably given up on taking the relaxed and sharp measures, says Johansen, and repeats the basic measures on, among other things, hand washing.

The council leader adds that there are many in the world who are living with much bigger trials than in Norway at the moment, but that it is still important to take the situation seriously also in the future. This is to ensure that Norway also becomes a country that can reopen again.

– Thank you very much for your efforts so far, concludes Johansen.
