Oslo Deputy Mayor Kamzy Gunaratnam has been shown to covid 19


Oslo’s Deputy Mayor Kamzy Gunaratnam has been shown covid 19. She writes this herself on her Facebook page.

– You can never be “too” careful these days. I did my best to follow the infection control rules, but it wasn’t good enough. Fortunately, I have the health to carry this out, and when it gets tighter from the state and the municipality, it is so that we can all carry this out over time, he writes.

ALSO READ: Raymond Johansen announces new crown measures on Friday

– Right now, I am incredibly happy for the best country in the world, the welfare state, the tests, the results, the infection tracking, everyone in socially critical tasks and everything and everyone who takes care of us all. We are so lucky in this country, writes Gunaratnam.

She has been a deputy mayor of Oslo since 2015 and is also a vice chair of the Oslo Labor Party. Today she is in the middle of a nomination battle in the Oslo Labor Party, where she is one of the favorites to secure a Storting seat for the Oslo Labor Party next fall.

On Monday, she wrote on her Facebook page that she had been feeling unwell for the past 24 hours with fever, nausea and body aches, and that she later isolated herself.

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Raymond Johansen City Clerk Halvard Hølleland claims Johansen has not been in close contact with Gunaratnam in the past week. It says that the municipalities meet physically once a week, but then at a good distance. In addition, home offices are practiced, also for the political leadership of the municipality.
