One of the dead accused of murder – VG


ACCUSED: Two people were found dead in the burning ruins of this commercial building in Moelv. Now one of them is charged. Here, forensic technicians from Kripos and the Inland Police District search for special dogs in the ruins of the fire. Photo: Tore Kristiansen, VG

One of the two dead found after the Moelv commercial building fire is charged with the murder of the other deceased.

The main theory of the police is that they face murder and suicide.

They have previously said they believe a criminal act has occurred, after the two men were found on September 30 in the burning ruins of a large hall at Moelv in Ringsaker Township in Innlandet County.

The man who performed maintenance on the building is charged in the case. He is charged with the murder of Christian Berg, the man who a day before the fire was reported missing from Gjøvik.

– It was necessary to remove the position in order to carry out the necessary investigations. This is done even if the alleged perpetrator is dead, the police explain.

The interior police district has received assistance from Kripos and around 30 investigators have worked to investigate the case.

BURNED: Much of the building caught fire when Kripos forensic technicians conducted investigations in early October. Photo: Tore Kristiansen, VG

Believe the murder occurred elsewhere

Berg’s preliminary autopsy report shows that he did not die as a result of the fire in the building. The report also shows that he sustained injuries that are not compatible with burns.

Based on the investigation’s findings, the police believe the murder took place elsewhere than the commercial building. For now, they do not want to comment on where they think it happened.

– Several unanswered questions remain in the case and the investigation will continue. Part of the investigation will try to find answers about how the fire started in the commercial building. Police suspect there are multiple homes.

CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS: Kripos fire dogs were used to examine the building. Photo: TORE KRISTIANSEN, VG

It is already known that both Berg and the now accused lived in Gjøvik and that they were acquaintances.

The police believe that the motive may have something to do with a conflict between the two people. Currently, they do not want to deepen the conflict.

Family members are informed about the content of the press release.

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