Olavsvern to the Armed Forces – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


The US Navy has used Malangen south of Tromsø for several years to change crews and get new supplies on board for its attack submarines, before they are put back to sea for missions in the Sea of Barents in front of the Russian base in Kola.

In August, the United States Navy even sent photographs of the American Seawolf from the same area.

The crew is often transported to and from Tromsø airport to Sommarøya, and then to the ship itself by the Sommarøy Sea Family company.

How safe these operations are has been questioned, but so far this has been the opportunity the U.S. Navy has seized.

Agreement ready on October 15?

Now, as many describe as the most modern attack submarines in the world, they can avoid having to carry out these operations in the fjord.

The United States Navy will soon be able to use the closed Olavsvern naval base on the outskirts of Tromsø again. The Norwegian defense closed the base because it believed that it no longer served its purpose because relations with Russia were now better and tensions in the Upper North were lower than during the Cold War.

Submarine in Olavsvern

A Norwegian submarine at Olavsvern dock, when the base was still operational

Photo: NRK

As far as NRK knows, an agreement on Olavsvern’s return to the Armed Forces through a lease may be ready next week, and this is happening as a result of pressure from the US Navy.

Recently, senior American officials have been invited to Olavsvern several times. On Friday October 9 there will have been a meeting at the highest level in the Norwegian Ministry of Defense, which approved an agreement allowing the Norwegian defense, and therefore also the allies, including the Americans, to use the base.

The Armed Forces will reopen the old NATO base, but must first look for espionage equipment.

Tromsø Greater Central

Olavsvern was bought by stakeholders in Tromsø in 2013, with current Mayor Gunnar Wilhelmsen at the helm, and is currently managed by Olavsvern Group AS.

Now there is another Gunnar Wilhelmsen affiliated company, WilNor, which has an option agreement to take over 2/3 of the Olavsvern Group starting in the New Year.

It is WilNor who has again negotiated with the logistical organization of the Armed Forces that the Armed Forces re-enter the base area southeast of the city center of Tromsø.

WilNor has several agreements with the Norwegian Armed Forces, including in relation to the storage of military equipment.

The mountain facility at Olavsvern

Olavsvernbasen has a large pier in the mountains, which is currently used by pleasure boats.

Photo: NRK

Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen writes in an email to NRK that there is an agreement that reactor-powered vessels can use the port of Grøtsund a little north of Tromsø city center.

“The decision to use the port of Grøtsund was made after consultation with the US authorities. When it comes to Olavsvern, there is currently talk of storing equipment for the Norwegian army and HV.” writes Bakke-Jensen.

Frank Bakke-Jensen in Porsanger.

Defense Minister Frank-Bakke Jensen


Rising tension in the Arctic

The reason the United States now wants to use Olavsvern is the increased tension in the Upper North, where a stronger Russia now marks its interests, also militarily. The majority in the Tromsø city council have said they do not want the Americans to use the Grøtsundet pier for their nuclear submarines.

Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen said Tuesday on NRK Dagsnytt 18 that the government has the right to override the municipality in a case like this. He said preparedness in Tromsø regarding visits to nuclear reactor-powered ships should be strengthened, adding that US submarines in Norwegian ports will not worsen relations with Russia.

Tønsnes kai

The US Navy wants to use both this pier in Tønsnes north of Tromsø and the base in Olavsvern

Photo: NRK

The United States Navy wants both

According to what NRK has reason to believe, the US Navy basically wants access to both Olavsvern and the Grøtsundet Pier, mostly since the latter makes it possible for the attack submarine to put to sea quickly if a disturbance arises. emergency situation.

Forced to accept nuclear submarines in the municipal port of Tromsø

Olavsvern is important because large mountainous facilities will allow storage of equipment.

But from what NRK knows, this is a matter to be decided by the Norwegian political authorities, because it is about the Norwegian grassroots policy and the pre-stockpiling of Allied weapons.
