Oil industry, yacht | Happy news for Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik: Monsteryacht maintains thousands of jobs


Kleven Verft in Sunnmøre keeps the wheels going by building a monster yacht that will travel the world for research, as well as having 118 private apartments.

The oil industry is struggling during the crown crisis, and in late April Ola Beinnes Fosse, chief financial officer of Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik, told Nettavisen:

“A major challenge for us is that we are not being taken by the measures that the government has launched so far,” he said.

Kleven has had a loss of income due to cancellations and displacements, but cannot receive cash aid from the state, because the income deficit lies in the future.

– Of course, we could have implemented the authorities’ guarantee and loan scheme, but in the shipbuilding industry, which is already very financially stressed, it is a poor solution, says Fosse, who will have access mainly to new projects.

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118 homes

However, loss of income is now being addressed. DIV Shipbuilding, owner of Kleven Verft and the Brodosplit shipyard in Croatia, will build M / Y Njord. It will be a housing ship of more than 290 meters, which will contain private apartments.

Brodosplit will be responsible for most of the hull’s steel construction, as well as a significant proportion of the technical facilities. Kleven Verft will then complete all technical and interior installations until delivery in 2024, they write in the press release on Friday.

– In these uncertain times, I am pleased to confirm that we have the full support of the Croatian and Norwegian authorities, who share our interest in this important project. It will employ thousands of talented people over the years to come in many disciplines, from welders to engineers, says Tomislav Debeljak, President and CEO of DIV Group, owner of Kleven Verft in Norway, in the press release.

Click on the photo to enlarge. MONSTERYACHT: This yacht, M / Y NJORD., Will contain 118 homes. Illustration: Ocean Residences Development Ltd.

MANY WORKPLACES: M / Y NJORD will employ thousands of people.
Photo: DIV Shipbuilding / Ocean Residences Development Ltd.

However, Ocean Residences Development Ltd will build the yacht.

“Yacthen will contain 118 exquisite homes that will create one of the most philanthropic environments in the world,” said Kristian Stensby, President and CEO of Ocean Residences Development Ltd., Kristian Stensby.

On the M / Y Njord websites, they write about the yacht:

– Njord offers more than just luxury, it is a personal enrichment. A private yacht that is unlike any other on our blue planet. A great way to stay while traveling the world and enjoying all its wonders.

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Must investigate

In addition to being able to buy an apartment on the yacht, it must be used for research.

The press release states that the yacht has a professional research laboratory that contains sophisticated monitoring equipment, which will constantly collect important data from the environment for the benefit of the scientific community.

They will use artificial intelligence, among other things, and will include 3D scanners, remote drones and an observatory with the necessary equipment, such as telescopes and glass ceilings.

– Through M / Y Nord’s annual circumnavigation of the world, scientists and experts will investigate the changing climate, record sea and air conditions, and map the seafloor. All this information will be available so that we can understand more of what is hidden.

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From Bermuda to Antarctica

The monster yacht will have its direction around the world. It will sail beyond Bermuda, St. Barts, Rio de Janeiro, the Galapagos Islands and Antarctica, to name a few destinations. The yacht will also sail under the Norwegian flag.

“The yacht is built in a way that it has advanced technical and technological solutions that are also green,” says Zoran Kunkera, CBO of DIV Shipbuilding.

– Depends on the maritime sector.

In the press release, they point out that almost the entire industry and society around both shipyards, in Ulsteinvik and Croatia, depend on the maritime sector.

– The work in the design and construction of M / Y NJORD will benefit thousands of local families by creating more than five million hours of work. Furthermore, it will go a long way towards further enhancing research and innovation in maritime activities in Croatia and Norway, as well as enhancing the scientific and technological potential of schools and colleges, says Kunkera.

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– In addition, Ocean Residences Development has established, as a central part of its vision, the desire to build the most technically advanced boat in the industry that exceeds external limits in terms of sustainability, technical innovation and emission standards. A vision that fits perfectly with the knowledge we have in both Norway and Croatia, he concludes.
