Nurse became the first coronary vaccine in the United States


A New York nurse became the first to receive the coronary vaccine in the United States. It marks the beginning of the largest vaccination campaign in American history.

Here, nurse Sandra Lindsay receives Pfizer’s coronary vaccine as the first in America’s historically extensive vaccination campaign. Photograph: Mark Lennihan / AP / NTB

Nurse Sandra Lindsay received the coronary vaccine at a New York hospital on Monday, shortly after the Pfizer vaccine received emergency approval from health authorities.

The vaccine was placed while television cameras broadcast the story live.

– It doesn’t feel any different than taking another vaccine, Lindsay said after getting the vaccine.

– I feel good, I feel relieved. I hope this marks the beginning of the end of this very painful period in our history. I want to reassure the population that the vaccine is safe. We are in a pandemic and everyone must do their part, he said.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo followed the historic vaccine, telling Lindsay that he hopes the vaccine can help her and other frontline workers.

– It will take several months before the vaccine has been administered on a broad front. So this is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s a long tunnel, Cuomo said.

– The first vaccine has been administered. Congratulations to America, congratulations to the world, writes US President Donald Trump Twitter.
