Not sneaky Islamization, but sneaky snooping – Debate


Dear Jon Helgheim.

My name is Hanan Benammar and I am one of the artists behind “Ways of Seeing”. I don’t really care what you think of us or the work, but I want to answer some of your statements. (Dagsavisen, September 5. Editor’s note).

He writes that FRP’s immigration policy is a criticism of immigration. That she does not criticize immigrants or accuse people of what she characterizes as a “system that does not work.”

Ways of Seeing is a semi-documentary theater.

Also read: The artists behind the work are the only safe victims in this case

This means that much of what happens on stage is based on something that we know or have experienced in the body. It is not the same as saying that everything is true. The public understands that sleeping in the bushes in front of the Stoltenberg house or on the Helge Lurås doormat is pure fiction and is understood as a “comic relief”, among all the sad, beautiful, scary and terrible things that we share with the public. .

But I want to tell you a little secret.

Apart from the introductory text of the work, all my texts are based on quotes. This means that we have spent a lot of time reading all the articles you have written or contributed. From far back in time to today (I still read you with gusto). Article by article.

The text “Disneyland Dream” is an example. And I just have to say thank you, because it has inspired me so much.

That text is real public information. Apart from the poetic title, it explains the political agenda of the FRP honestly, which in short is based on the Eurabia conspiracies: the idea that Norwegian culture will soon be replaced by non-Western / Islamic cultures due to “mass immigration” or the socialism.

These are my favorite quotes: «What was wrong with Norwegian culture? [Arbeiderpartiet] Are you determined to replace it with something you call multiculturalism? »; “What is the point of stabbing our own culture in the back?”; “It is the Labor Party that ensures that Norwegian culture escapes to several of Oslo’s districts, leaving behind enclaves where Muslim simplicity, dogmatism and intolerance are gaining ground”; “Because we don’t believe in multiculturalism. [ …] The uprooting put into the system. Idiocy in the long run, and we think it could tear our country apart. “

Also read: – I panicked. The pressure around this performance was so great that it became unbearable (+)

You have to understand that we make art to understand the reality in which we live, “the real world”, as you call it.

In addition to your articles and statements, we have also spent a lot of time reading books and talking to people who have great knowledge and experience. This is what we call field work, or as you call it “taking a trip out of your bubble.” In other art projects, I have been “out of my bubble” for months, just listening to people. Like many other artists, all my art is based on it: listening, understanding, finding empathy; launch myself into processes that will change my life forever. For better or worse.

My intention with this answer was to collect quotes from you and your colleagues, because you seem to have a bad memory: I just wanted to help.

I would collect all the quotes that I think are directed at immigrants in a biased, prejudiced and indefensible way from people with as much power as you.

Sometimes I find that you talk about immigrants, asylum seekers, minorities and especially Muslims just to spread pure propaganda and dangerous conspiracy theories. We know that physical violence against minorities begins with words. We know that the more dehumanizing people in certain groups talk, the less tolerant and more violent our society can become. Language is important.

But because there are sadly too many examples, I didn’t have the time and space for it. But I promise: next time we will make it happen.
