Norwegian pop star convicted of reckless driving – VG


CONSTRUCTION WORK: The speed limit is normally 110 on the E18 in Sande, but when the artist passed it it was 50. Photo: Martin Nilsen

A well-known Norwegian pop artist in his 50s has been sentenced to 16 days in prison for reckless driving.

He is also deprived of his driver’s license for a period of 21 months, according to the verdict of the Oslo District Court on Monday.

The verdict states that the pop artist drove 108 kilometers per hour, despite the maximum speed allowed in the area was 50 kilometers per hour, on the E18 at Sande in Vestfold in May.

Nettavisen was the first to mention the case.

John Christian Elden is the defender of man. His client accepted the verdict on the spot.

– He is happy to be done with the case, Elden writes in an SMS to VG.

– You’re glad the court based your explanation that you did not pay attention on the road and did not intentionally break the speed limit. He accepts his punishment and comes off the case as a better driver, he adds.

The verdict also states that the artist gave an “unreserved confession.” He explained that he did not see the sign of the 50 zones.

The court notes that no dangerous situations arose in connection with the episode. If this had happened, the punishment would have been increased. In a mitigating sense, they emphasized that the accused gave an unreserved confession.

– Without the confession, the penalty would be imprisonment of 20 days, it is said in the verdict.

The verdict also states that the artist had three active points on his driver’s license from before. Therefore, the loss of the driving license increased from three to 21 months.

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