Norway is red: – Disappointing


On Tuesday, both the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and the European Infection Control Agency (ECDC) declared that Norway has registered more than 20 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. Therefore, the infection pressure in Norway is above the limit by the time FHI recommends red-listing other countries and regions.

– Of course, this is discouraging after the great public service this spring. But there are still mostly groups, and if we take the right steps, we should quickly reduce the pressure of infection again, NTNU professor of social medicine Steinar Westin tells Dagbladet.

Local shoots

In recent weeks, Norway has carried out more tests than ever: about 85,000 people in week 35. More tests lead to the detection of more cases of infection, and in that way it is easier to deal with the spread of the infection.

The increased infection pressure is mainly due to local outbreaks in Bergen, Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad. So far, the authorities have considered the outbreaks to be limited and have denied that there has been a widespread spread of the infection in society.

On Sunday, Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad and Health Minister Bent Høie told Dagbladet that the coming days and weeks will be crucial for Norway’s way forward. Nakstad emphasized the importance of avoiding a regional outbreak originating in Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad.

– If this happens, it is not certain that people’s own efforts to follow infection control advice and the infection detection work of municipalities will be sufficient to gain control. We follow the situation closely. The next few days will show if the outbreak is returning or if further measures will be necessary, Nakstad said.

DECISIVE: The next few days will be crucial, says Espen Rostrup Nakstad. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix
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Infection in Bergen

Over the weekend, the infection has spread to various parts of the Bergen community, the municipality acknowledged Monday. They have recorded individual cases in nightclubs and restaurants, upper secondary schools, hospitals and nursing homes. Among other things, ten Haukeland Hospital employees have been confirmed to be infected.

The National Institute of Public Health assists Bergen, Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg in dealing with the outbreaks. Westin boasts of the efforts of municipal superiors, but worries about infection among hospital employees.

– Now we have seen cases of infection both at Haukeland Hospital and St. Olav Hospital. Infection in hospitals is serious, not only for patients, but also because many of the employees must be in quarantine. It’s devastating to the operation of hospitals, says Westin.

The professor is less concerned about the outbreak in Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad, as it seems more limited. The outbreak was caused by a Muslim celebration in the Al-Ghadir Islamic Center religious community, and so far more than 200 people have been confirmed to be infected.

COVID-19: These are the symptoms of the coronavirus, which since December 2019 has spread from China and around the world. The outbreak is classified as a pandemic. SOURCES: WHO, FHI, NHI and FIXED PHOTO: NTB Scanpix. VIDEO: Switch to Vellene.
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The Westin concludes from the Holden committee that keeping the infection down will also be the least costly for society. Among other things, because a high spread of the infection itself will have a negative impact on the economy.

– We cannot live with a situation where we balance ourselves on the razor’s edge, as we see with the outbreaks in Bergen, Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad. It amazes me that the authorities have not been tougher. Among other things, they could have worked to get more travelers to test themselves at the border, improve the spread of entry quarantines, and recommend the use of masks in cities, especially in Bergen.

A few weeks ago, the National Institute of Public Health considered that it was not necessary to recommend the use of masks in public transport if it is not possible to meet the distance requirements because the outbreak appears limited and the infection does not appear to be increasing in the population.

– Probably the spread of the infection in Norway after opening to the outside on July 15 has been greater than what the health authorities feared. They were probably poised for a resurgence of the infection in connection with the fall and the opening of the school. Authorities should quickly introduce measures that can limit the spread of the infection, Westin says.

WHEN: In this way, the vaccine, which is in development, can stop the coronavirus. Video from AP. Reporter: Marte Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. 03.17.2020.
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Red europe

On Monday, the National Institute of Public Health recommended a red list for both Hungary and Slovakia, while Estonia and Lithuania are approaching the limit of 20 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the ECDC summary. Therefore, it appears that Latvia and Cyprus may be the only countries to which Norwegians can travel without imposing the entry quarantine upon return.

– Import infection is an important source of replacement for new cases of infection in Norway. Norwegian health authorities have also had poor handling of the entry quarantine for people from red and gray countries, says Westin.

EMBARRASSING: The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, asks people to stop shaking hands, but it is not always so easy to remember it yourself. Reporter: Christian Wehus. Video: AP.
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Sweden and Norway

Furthermore, the National Institute of Public Health recommends red listing the region of southern Denmark in Denmark, Kainuu in Finland, and Örebro and Jämtland in Sweden. The latest region ranked below the yellow level most recently a few days ago.

In recent weeks, Norway has come close to Sweden in terms of infection pressure. While Norway has 20 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, Sweden has 24.7, according to the ECDC. The professor of epidemiology at the University of Geneva, Antoine Flahault, told Svenska Dagbladet that all countries in Europe now follow the Swedish model.

– We forget that Sweden has also had many measures, only that they introduced them much later than us. While Sweden has seen a gradual change in behavior and measures, Norway has become more open. Therefore, now we have gathered in a place with semi-open communities. But now we see that the opening in Norway has been too fast, concludes Westin.
