Norway approaches Sweden


To date, Sweden has recorded many more cases and deaths than Norway. But in the last week, countries have had days with almost the same number of new cases of infection.

– Do you experience that Norway is approaching the pressure of infection in Sweden?

– Yes, you can say that. In several yellow regions of Sweden, the infection pressure is approximately the same as in Norway. The fact that the infection situation in Norway and Sweden is more similar means that more regions can also be opened in Sweden. Local outbreaks have also been seen in Sweden, leading us to have to re-redlist regions, says director Frode Forland of the Dagbladet National Institute of Public Health.

CLEAR: Justice Minister Monica Mæland opened today’s press conference with two clear appeals. Video: The government. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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Hit hard

In total, Norway has an infection pressure of 15.7 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. Sweden, on the other hand, has a total of 21.6 in the last 14 days, according to the ECDC update of September 5.

However, so far Sweden has been hit much harder than Norway. As of September 4, Sweden had recorded nearly 84,985 COVID-19 cases and 5,835 deaths, while Norway had recorded 11,120 cases and 264 deaths.

– They have been hit much harder than Norway all the way. Now they are finally starting to approach the level we have in Norway, but it will probably take a while for populous regions like Stockholm and Västra Götaland to reach the level of Norway, says Forland.

COVID-19: The strategy of the Swedish crown has been the subject of harsh criticism from several. Swedish party leader Ebba Busch has both Norwegian and Swedish citizenship, and her verdict is clear. Video: Expressen TV. Photo: Lars E claim Bones / Dagbladet
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Trip to the cabin trip necessary

This week Örebro, Gotland, Värmland, Västernorrland, Jämtland and Västerbotten were all marked in yellow by Norway. However, Justice Minister Monica Mæland advises against Harry’s trading.

– We continue not to encourage travel unless strictly necessary. This means that you have to think about it, because there is infection in Sweden, Norway and all the other countries around us. To expose ourselves to the lowest possible risk of infection, we must think carefully, he tells Dagbladet.

During the press conference on Friday, Mæland responded affirmatively that a cabin trip can be considered a necessary trip.

– A cabin trip may be necessary. It is entirely up to you to decide what you think is necessary. This system is built on trust, but we encourage people to think carefully and not take unnecessary trips.

COVID-19: These are the symptoms of the coronavirus, which since December 2019 has spread from China and around the world. The outbreak is classified as a pandemic. SOURCES: WHO, FHI, NHI and FIXED PHOTO: NTB Scanpix. VIDEO: Switch to Vellene.
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Happy health director

Health director Bjørn Guldvog dreams of a scenario in which all the countries of Scandinavia are world leaders in managing covid-19.

– We are very happy that Sweden is catching up with the Scandinavian countries in terms of infection pressure. We hope that a picture can emerge in which Denmark, Sweden and Norway are among the countries in the world with the lowest infection pressure. This can facilitate the resumption of the good relationship with more cross-border traffic. That is why I am very optimistic on behalf of our countries. But it’s not a dance of roses to get there, Guldvog tells Dagbladet.

– Has Sweden toughened up or Norway has given up?

– Sweden has managed to reduce the infection. It’s kind of hard to say it’s been sharpened, because I think they’ll say it’s been sharpened all the way. But they have had high infection rates this spring, and through good and systematic work they have managed to work to reduce the infection, says Guldvog, continuing:

– Sweden has also tried a lot more since the beginning of this summer. This allows them to detect outbreaks at an earlier stage and can break down transmission pathways more effectively.
