North Korea, Kim Jong-un | Spinnville rumors about Kim Jong-un’s wife


The dictator’s wife evaporated from the public. Now rumors are circulating.

Once again, rumors are circulating about the Kim dynasty in hermetically sealed North Korea. This time it is the wife of dictator Kim Jong-un who is the subject of the rumor. The reason is that Ri Sol Ju has not appeared in public for nine months.

While British tabloids The Sun and Metro raise wild speculations that she might be dead, and even executed, other outlets have more sober theories about why she is out of the limelight.

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Ri was last seen with her husband Kim Jong-un in connection with the New Year’s celebration in January. He was also conspicuous in his absence during the military parade in Kim il-Sun Square, which took place on October 10. Ri has also not appeared on other major public dates since January.

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A North Korean expert tells Nettavisen that the main reason for these rumors is that the regime is the only closed country left in the world.

– We had some Eastern countries closed during the Cold War. But now only North Korea remains. Therefore, North Korea is the country that journalists and other good people can speculate about and quote from among themselves that something terribly cruel is going on there, says the director of the Nordic Institute for Asian Studies at the University of Copenhagen, Geir Helgesen. , to Nettavisen.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un pictured with his wife Ri Sol Ju.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un pictured with his wife Ri Sol Ju.
Photo: Kns (AFP)

The fat boss’s cute wife

In addition, he notes that there are many forces in South Korea that are not benefited by the South Korean government trying to normalize relations with its northern neighbor.

– Then there are many forces in South Korea, for example, the North Koreans in exile, who want the regime in the north where the pepper grows. They simply invent incidents that could create uncertainty in North Korea. Is the regime collapsing? Is the boss sick? Has the boss excluded his wife? They are divorced? All of this helps keep alive the idea that North Korea is absurd and unreliable. So that the fat boss’s beautiful wife is not at the dance is highly unlikely, says Helgesen.

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Three rumors circulating

Daily NK, an English-language newspaper run by former defectors in South Korea, promotes other theories about why Ri has not appeared in public for many months.

The newspaper quotes an anonymous source as claiming that three specific rumors about the dictator’s wife are circulating in North Korea.

The first rumor is that Ri takes care of and cares for Kim Jong-un’s supposedly ill aunt, Kim Kyung Hee. This is supposed to be the most widespread rumor among the people, since it is supposedly spread by people with “quick access to information.”

Kim Kyung Hee was left a widow after her husband Jang Song Taek, Kim Jong-un’s married uncle, was executed by the Kim regime a few years ago. The dictator Kim is said to have been very affectionate to his aunt after the execution and is said to have treated her particularly well.

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Daughter’s schooling

The second rumor is that the dictator Ri’s wife is totally busy taking care of schooling and school activities for her daughter, who according to former basketball player Dennis Rodman is called Ju-ae. It is said that the daughter was born in 2013 and, in that case, is of primary school age.

The third rumor circulating in North Korea is that Ri is in poor health.

In South Korea, experts assume that the absence of the public is due to the coronavirus, according to NK Daily, as Ri’s last public appearance took place shortly before the pandemic seriously affected the world.

Experts believe Ri avoids crowds for fear that she or her children will be infected with the coronavirus.

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– Yellow dust cloud with crown

North Korea claims it does not have a corona infection in the country, but the regime has been on full alert since the pandemic began earlier this year, the BBC reports.

This week, the regime issued public recommendations to the population to stay indoors and close the windows. The reason given is that there is a yellow cloud of dust on the road from China that could potentially bring the coronavirus with it and infect North Koreans.

Embassies in the capital, Pyongyang, have also announced that they have been warned of a dangerous dust cloud. On Thursday, there were allegedly empty streets in the capital, the BBC reports.

There is no scientific evidence that there is any link between the spread of the corona and this yellow cloud of dust, which regularly travels across the Korean Peninsula from China and Mongolia.

Turkmenistan, another dictatorship, has also claimed that a “virus-infected” cloud of dust was the reason it ordered its inhabitants to wear bandages. Turkmenistan denies that there is any corona outbreak in the country.

– It is not a big problem

Helgesen says there is no indication that North Korea is severely affected by the pandemic.

– There have been some reports that North Koreans who traveled to South Korea brought the virus to North Korea. But South Korea is a country with a very controlled system. They are extremely good at stopping infections. North Korea is no less controlled. On the contrary. If North Korea has had a corona problem, it has probably isolated people and dealt with the situation. I don’t think the crown is the big problem in that part of the world, says Helgesen.

Rumors about Kim

In April, there were massive rumors in the world press that Kim Jong-un was dead or seriously ill. The rumor emerged after Kim’s personal train was observed at a hospital near the dictator’s country house.

Norwegian-Venezuelan human rights activist Thor Halvorssen said at the time that Kim had likely evaporated because he sought protection against the coronavirus. Soon after, Kim reappeared in public and the rumor was over.
