Nobel Peace Prize 2020 – Greta Thunberg is among the big favorites


The world’s bookmakers have completely different favorites than the experts before today’s Nobel Peace Prize announcement.

Among her favorites are the World Health Organization, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and US President Donald Trump, writes the US news magazine Time.

Thunberg herself has no faith in receiving the award. Aftonbladet has spoken to her outside the Swedish Parliament, where she and “Fridays for future” are fighting for the climate.

– It’s not possible, Thunberg tells reporters in Stockholm.

She does not want to point out who she thinks of or wants to receive the award. He warns that the 11 o’clock press conference will not follow where the winner will be announced.

– So I’m in school and we are not allowed to have phones, he says.

You are asked what it would mean if a climate organization received the Peace Prize.

– It’s probably very unlikely, says Thunberg.

Expert favorites

Henrik Urdal, director of the Prio Peace Research Institute, predicts that this year’s Nobel Peace Prize will go to someone who has been overshadowed by the pandemic.

This year 318 candidates have registered. Whoever of them makes it to the top will be ready at 11 o’clock on Friday.

– The pandemic and the World Health Organization do not need more attention than they already receive and therefore I do not think the committee will choose an award related to the crown. On the contrary, Henrik Urdal tells NTB.

He believes that the Nobel Committee will want to raise important issues that arise in the shadow of the pandemic, such as forgotten conflicts or serious human rights violations.

PEACE AGREEMENT: Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (wearing sunglasses) and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki sign the peace agreement in the Eritrean capital Asmara on July 8, 2018 and are friends again. Video: AP.
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Hong Kong

– The introduction of the new security law that restricts democracy in Hong Kong, has taken place while the eyes of the world were on COVID-19, Urdal recalls.

Each year, PRIO submits a list of favorite candidates, and this year it was said that the field was open.

A peace award for “long and faithful service” was predicted, with the journalists’ organization Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at the helm, ahead of Sudanese activist Alaa Salah, who has led protests for democracy in your country of origin.

Then followed the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny, who in August was poisoned with the neurotoxin novitsjok in his home country.

CORONAVIRUSET: Greta Thunberg was a guest on CNN, has received a lot of criticism afterwards. Video: CNN Reporter: Embla Hjort-Larsen
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– Should challenge China

It is followed by Uighur prisoner Ilham Tohti, who received the Sakharov Prize last year.

“An award for an opposition figure in China is even more important today than it was ten years ago,” Urdal told Aftenposten.

SV’s Petter Eide nominated Tohti for this year’s Peace Prize.

– It is the most important voice of the Uyghurs, not only to criticize China, but also to call for dialogue. The Nobel Committee should challenge China again. But I doubt they dare, says Eide.

Democrat Nathan Law is also on the list. He recently had to flee Hong Kong after the introduction of the security law there.

Der Prio predicts that he will raise a “forgotten” issue.

