No Agreement on Recommendation – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local News, TV and Radio


On Tuesday night, the nominating committee presented its recommendation on who will represent the Oslo Labor Party on the Storting’s list for next year.

The majority on the Oslo Labor Party nominating committee nominated Zaineb Al-Samarai in second place on the Storting’s list, while Kamzy Gunaratnam will be nominated in seventh place.

2 of 9 places Gunaratnam in second place and Al-Samarai in seventh place.

– Unfortunately, there was no unanimous recommendation, but in any case the list will combine experience and renewal, says nominations committee leader Tone Tellevik Dahl to NRK.

Beforehand, Dahl tried to obtain a unanimous list without dissent, where Gunaratnam was lower on the list. Dahl says the candidate himself didn’t want to.

Kamzy gunaratnam

Deputy Mayor Kamzy Gunaratnam is in second place after Oslo Ap.

Photo: Martin Holvik / NRK

It will be a battle for second place

Therefore, there will now be a battle for second place at the Oslo Labor Party nomination meeting:

– It’s completely fair. Most have proposed the list that we believe best safeguards continuity and renewal, without emptying the City Council of its prominent politicians, and they hope to win support for it. In any event, we have resulted in all candidates through majority position, says Dahl.

He explains that Al-Samarai is among the only candidates with experience in business and the private sector, and that it has been important to show that it is possible to combine this with politics.

– Although Kamzy already has a prominent political position today, and we did not want to empty the entire City Hall of important politicians, says Dahl.

Gunaratnam is the deputy mayor of Oslo, while Al-Samarai is the deputy representative of the Oslo Labor Party in the Storting.

Zaineb Al-Samarai

Deputy representative in the Storting, Zaineb Al-Samarai, is the majority on the nominating committee wants to take second.

Photo: Labor Party

Two on the nominating committee support Kamzy

– The candidates also have slightly different backgrounds, and the fact that Zaineb had a difficult starting point as a refugee, he felt in the body that the family had to prioritize very hard due to lack of finances, and can easily identify with many to whom our policy wants to give a safer everyday life, elaborates Dahl.

Mari Morken is one of two on the nominating committee supporting Gunaratnam:

– An overwhelming majority of the teams in the match have expressed their wish for Kamzy to take second place. We cannot neglect that. We believe that Kamzy is the best to get the voters we need to win the parliamentary elections in 2021, he tells NTB.

Espen Barth Eide remains in third place and Trine Lise Sundnes in fourth place. Siri Gåsemyr Staalesen, who sits in the Storting today, is nominated as number six on the list.

There has been all-out fighting in the Oslo Labor Party this fall, after the nominating committee submitted its first draft of the Storting list.

Full battle this fall

Several reacted to the fact that Espen Barth Eide was rejected from a safe seat in the first draft of the nominating committee, and that Gunaratnam did not get a seat in the Storting.

Parliamentary representative and former Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide issued an ultimatum for him to be allowed third place. There, the committee wanted the leader of the Oslo Labor Party, Frode Jacobsen.

The end of that visa was that Jacobsen ceded third place to Barth Eide. Jacobsen settled for fifth place, which is considered a battlefield.

A tally that NRK has made based on input from party teams shows that Gunaratnam is the favorite to win a possible match vote against Zaineb Al-Samarai. The most important reason is the support of AUF.

The Labor Party received five parliamentary representatives in the 2017 elections, but recently one of them, Jan Bøhler, announced a transfer to the Center Party.
