New calculation shows that Britain has the second highest crown death rate in Europe: VG


HIGH DEATH: A person is transported to a hospital in London. Now the UK has the second highest death toll in Europe. Photo: NEIL HALL / EPA

For the first time, UK health authorities have included deaths in nursing homes in statistics. This resulted in a large increase in mortality rates.

The official death toll from the crown virus in the UK rose by 4,419 to 26,097, reports AFP.

This is because deaths in nursing homes have begun to be included in the statistics. This has not been done before.

“These more complete figures will give us a larger and more up-to-date picture of death tolls in England, and inform the authorities’ plans while continuing to protect the population,” says medical director of the Health Directorate of England, Yvonne Doyle. , Reuters.

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The updated death toll of 26,097 means that the UK now has more deaths than France and Spain have reported. Italy is the only European country to have suffered multiple deaths from the coronavirus.

They reported Wednesday that 27,682 people have lost their lives in Italy.

The new calculation for the UK includes 3,811 previous deaths, which had not been included in previous reports.

– All the deaths of the crown are a tragedy. Keeping track of daily death tolls is important to help us understand how the virus affects us, Doyle says.

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Previously, the UK Statistical Office reported coronation deaths in nursing homes. Those numbers have included deaths where the coronavirus has been mentioned on the death certificate, but where people have not been tested.

“These figures will therefore continue to include higher death rates than we reported,” Doyle explains.

Health and Care Minister Helen Whatley says new methods of reporting deaths will help authorities better understand the consequences of the virus, Independent writes.

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