Netflix, Reviews | The Netflix movie “Cuties” makes Listhaug react: – Stop the sexualization of children!


The Netflix movie “Cuties” is creating reactions.

“Eleven-year-old Amy is fascinated with a free-thinking dance group and begins to rebel against the traditions of her conservative family.”

This is how the Netflix movie “Cuties” (“The Sweet Noses” in Norwegian) is described on the streaming site’s own pages, and Netflix also writes that the movie is “touching” and belongs to the genre “acclaimed movies. review”.

Click the pic to enlarge.  CONTROVERSIAL: The Netflix movie The Sweet Noses provokes strong reactions.

CONTROVERSIAL: The Netflix movie The Sweet Noses provokes strong reactions.
Photo: (Netflix)

It is true that the film received an award for directing from the Sundance Institute, founded by actor Robert Redford.

“With a good eye and understanding of the behavior of young people, Maïmouna Doucouré focuses […] close to its rebellious protagonists, and creates a lively film that in a good way portrays the youthful energy and vulnerabilities of children while exploring their groping craving to be identified as sexualized, ”the institute writes in its justification.


At the same time, many have criticized the film, which is now available on Netflix, also in Norway.

Watch the trailer for “Cuties” in the video window at the top of the box.

One of those who reacts is the stepmother and deputy director of Frp, Sylvi Listhaug:

– Today, children experience enormous pressure to have the perfect body and the perfect life. We last heard it on NRK this morning. Children are becoming children to a lesser or lesser extent: they will become part of the adult world earlier and earlier. The movie Cuties takes this to a whole new level, he writes in a Facebook post Tuesday night.

Click the pic to enlarge.  ROPER VARKO: Sylvi Listhaug believes that one should crack down on the recent episodes of police violence.

ANSWER: Sylvi Listhaug thinks Netflix should drop Cuties.
Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum (NTB scanpix)

Listhaug is not polite in his criticism of the film:

– The director of the film defends a sexualized use of images by the film, criticizing the society in which children grow up today. The result is still the opposite. As the mother of a twelve-year-old girl, I feel like just watching the trailers for this movie is enough. Children should not be portrayed in this way, and one may wonder what Netflix’s motivation is for releasing a movie that has such aggressive imagery. Close-ups have been used of children dressed in light clothing dancing in a seductive way, as if they were adults, Listhaug writes.

Several respond

The trailer has been on YouTube for almost a month. Here it has received 48,000 inches upwards and almost 2 million inches downwards.

– You could use older people to play high school students, this is disgusting, writes one user.

– Who in the world would let their son act in a movie like that? Asks another.

– Let’s make this the video I like the least on YouTube, urges a third party.

Also read: New giant gets down the throat on Netflix

A normal movie in the IMDb reputable movie database tends to score between 6 and 9 out of 10. No one has a rating lower than 2.0, according to the worst movies list. At the time of writing this article, “Søtnosene” has 2.3.

The movie has also been reviewed by one of the many users on the site:

“‘The Sweet Noses’ is a bad movie. I don’t believe in filmmaker Maimoune Doucoure’s presumption that the movie is about female power. It certainly isn’t about that. It’s a poorly made movie with a thin plot that he’s only called the attention due to the obviously sexual movements of the children during the dance sets (the dance scene in a competition appears in the official trailer) and some other scenes that are not in the official trailer. », Writes one of the users who has reviewed the film on IMDb.

– He deserves better

Others, like the Los Angeles Times film critic, believe the movie should be seen and say Netflix has misrepresented the movie in its promotion:

“Weeks ago, Netflix released a promotional image that sexualized the young protagonists of the story in a way that the film itself avoids. The self-described moralists of the Internet immediately jumped on the train (without having seen it, of course) and called for its removal, compared ‘The Sweet Noses’ to child pornography and asked Netflix to remove the image and apologize for the error. “

The critic writes that the film “deserves better”, and that the director has “made a film empathetic and analytical, not exploitative.”

Click the pic to enlarge.  DRAWN: This is the billboard that Netflix removed.

DRAWN: This is the billboard that Netflix removed.
Photo: (Netflix)

“We apologize for the inappropriate image we used for Mignonnes / Cuties. It was not right, nor was it representative of this French film that won an award at Sundance. We have now updated the images and description,” Netflix writes in its apology.

Listhaug has seen the poster too, but disagrees with the LA Times American critic:

– Netflix has withdrawn the advertising poster for the film after massive criticism. I also hope they remove the entire movie for the sake of all the young children who should be allowed to be children, not to be portrayed as adults playing seductive adults. Netflix must distance itself from anything that can help trigger pedophilia, concludes its publication.
