NATO chief condemns Russia after Navalny poisoning – VG


CRITICAL FOR RUSSIA: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived during an event Friday morning with harsh criticism of Russia. Photo: OMER MESSINGER / POOL / GETTY IMAGES POOL

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says that all NATO countries condemn what he calls “the terrible liquidation attempt” of Alexei Navalny and demand international scrutiny.

The background is evidence that Germany presented earlier this week that Putin-critical politician Alexei Navalny was poisoned by the neurotoxin Novichok.

Diplomatic sources from the defense alliance confirm to VG that this matter will be at today’s council meeting in NATO, at the level of ambassadors. Stoltenberg has announced a press conference at 12.30 pm on Friday.

– We have a difficult relationship with Russia, Stoltenberg admitted at a breakfast with the Civita think tank on Friday morning, where he participated digitally from Brussels.

– Russia is responsible for the attacks on the opposition and people with whom it does not agree, he added.

On Wednesday, he demanded a response from Russia and condemned the poison attack on the critic of the Russian regime. Twitter.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel presented an unusually strong reaction against Russia after samples from Alexei Navalny showed what Germany believes to be clear evidence of a chemical neurotoxin from the Novitsjok group.

Navalny became seriously ill on a Siberian plane two weeks ago. He was later picked up in an ambulance and is now in a Berlin hospital, where he remains in an artificial coma.

The Russian is a sharp critic of President Putin and is considered one of the main figures in the Russian opposition.

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IN COMA: Alexei Navalny, photographed in 2019, is in a Berlin hospital. According to German authorities, he was poisoned with a military nerve agent. Photo: Pavel Golovkin / AP

– Norway strongly condemns the attack, Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) told VG.

Stoltenberg says all NATO countries condemn what he calls “the terrible liquidation attempt” of Alexei Navalny and demand international scrutiny.

“Anyone who uses chemical weapons shows a total lack of respect for human life,” the NATO chief said after the alliance’s ambassadors met in Brussels. There, Germany reported on the findings.

– The evidence leaves no room for doubt. Navalny was poisoned with a neurotoxin in Novitsjok’s group. The use of such poisons is cruel and all allies condemn it. This is an unacceptable violation of international norms and norms, says Stoltenberg, reports NTB.

Stoltenberg demands an impartial investigation of the case.

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The biggest uncertainties

In the digital meeting with Civita, which was Stoltenberg’s first public appearance in NATO’s Norwegian after the summer, he listed the three biggest uncertainties facing the West.

– NATO is the answer to our fundamental challenges, as we stand united against threats, says the head of NATO during his presentation.

– What we need is a rule of action for crises, and in NATO that rule is one for all, all for one. I don’t want to list the crises, but I can say something about the uncertainties we face:

– What we believe to be the greatest uncertainties is a self-sufficient Russia, which spends more on arms and follows an aggressive policy; that’s the danger of cyber warfare; and it is an expansive China.

– In relation to Russia, I believe that we must show strength and firmness, but at the same time seek cooperation and dialogue instead of conflict.

The danger of nuclear weapons

Stoltenberg faced the fact that Russia escapes when the country is behind interference in Western countries, which he rejected.

– Russia is affected by sanctions, mainly after Ukraine, and affects the regime.

But he had no hope that the sanctions would be lifted immediately:

– It is not easier to see now that they will be abolished, he said.

Stoltenberg also warned that there was a particularly dangerous development in relations with Russia, namely that the disarmament agreements between NATO and Russia were collapsing due to Russian armaments.

– The possibility of using nuclear weapons is increasing and is extremely dangerous.

Stoltenberg also referred to the tense situation in Belarus, where he called the protesters “impressive and courageous”. Stoltenberg criticized the Belarusian regime using NATO as a threat.

– The regime uses NATO as a pretext. They claim that NATO has a great structure on the border. It is wrong. They claim that NATO will interfere in the internal affairs of Belarus. It is wrong.

– What NATO says is that the people must decide, without the intervention of Russia or the West.

Relations with China

Stoltenberg also spent an unusual amount of time arguing about China, a country with which he emphasized that NATO does not have an ongoing conflict, but that the alliance must address more.

– I myself visited China in 1985 and was impressed by the reform movement that lifted many out of poverty. But the regime has become more authoritarian, more oppressive. It is a problem for the people there and violates the principles of NATO.

– They police their own population in a way that Western countries could never do, oppress minorities and crack down on democracy activists in Hong Kong.

China is becoming increasingly important to NATO, Stoltenberg notes, as it has become the world’s largest economy and is strengthening its military.

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GREEK RESPONSE: Last week, the Greek navy launched a military exercise in response to Turkish gas exploration in the Mediterranean. Photo: Greek Ministry of Defense

Turkey and Greece

Stoltenberg was asked about the relationship between Turkey and Greece, which is strained due to a conflict over rights to possible gas discoveries.

– The basic disagreement is on the continental shelf and the disagreement on the border lines. NATO does not play a role here, but supports Germany’s attempts to mediate.

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What Stoltenberg warned is that so many warships, from both countries, are now operating in the same waters, and the danger it creates that an accident will lead to an acute situation between two NATO countries.

Sweden and Finland

Finally, Stoltenberg was asked if Sweden and Finland should become members of NATO, and then he responded with a humorous tone.

– In general, I am careful what other countries have to do, and when you are Norwegian and NATO Secretary General, you should not give advice to Swedes and Finns.

– But it is good that Sweden and Finland are happy in NATO, he concluded.

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