National team, Alexander Sørloth | The Norwegian Football Association moved in with a new statement after Sørloth’s reaction


There seems to be a complete rift between the leadership of the national team and Alexander Sørloth. Late on Thursday night, the conflict escalated further.

There is a total waste between the management of the Norwegian team and star forward Alexander Sørloth. On Thursday, the latter arrived with a press release in which he counterattacks the coach of the national team, Lars Lagerbäck, and his statements about the conflict between them.

Sørloth replied

To NTB, Sørloth pointed out that he had basically ended the case, but that the NFF tenant’s statements made him react on Thursday.

In the association’s press release, where Lars Lagerbäck gave his side of the case, it was stated that Sørloth did not want to comment on what was posted.

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– Actually, I’m done with this case. We had “shook hands” and looked into each other’s eyes. And that’s how I like it. There must be room for criticism and disappointment in a team. In the same way there must be room for rejoicing and boasting. We often wear big shoes, then we have to endure that we sometimes step on our toes. The NFF press release states that it did not want to comment further.

– Is not true. It would take it directly to the interested parties. When I understood that there would be an NFF press release about what happened at an internal player meeting, I expressed a desire to see it before it was published. So I could add something. They never sent it to me, Sørloth wrote to NTB.

ALSO READ: Reacts after Lagerbäck’s alleged fight with Sørloth: – Desperate and childish by the head of Norway

NFF with new message

Late on Thursday night, the Norwegian Football Association, led by media manager Svein Graff, had to send out a new statement on this matter. Of NFF it says:

– Due to Alexander’s statement and that it is a national team, we feel compelled to comment on what his agent says. This is not elite football for us. We further assume that what the agent says is Alexander’s opinion. For four days, we have given Alexander the opportunity to comment on what happened and confirm that we agreed to drop the case after he apologized for the behavior.

– If it had, we would not have commented further on the matter. Unfortunately, Alexander does not have the same opinion as us about what happened at the meeting. We can and will say very clearly that the statement of the agent does not agree with that of the coaching staff. We still maintain the description we gave today. Otherwise we will not comment further on this, but will handle it internally. If something new comes up, we will of course report on this, Graff said according to TV 2.

This will be a joint statement from the technical team with Lars Lagerbäck, Per JOar Hansen and Frode Grodås at the helm.

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Graff also says that Sørloth was informed that Lagerbäck’s version of the case would be published without his comment. He states that the parties have had a dialogue on the case since Sunday and that Sørloth had the opportunity to express his opinion.

As is well known, Lagerbäck and Sørloth ended up in a verbal clinch after Norway lost the European Championship rematch against Serbia recently. It happened during an appraisal meeting that was said to be quite long, hectic, and eventually hot.

– I never said that

The Leipzig player arrived via his agent Morten Wivestad at the NTB field.

– I’ve never said that anyone on the coaching staff is incompetent. Never. After we were asked to give feedback from the players, I said that I was very critical of the way we were preparing for the game against Serbia. Also the tactical evaluations that were made along the way, says Sørloth.

– Everything I said in the meetings with the coaching staff was about professional aspects of football with the wish that the team is even better prepared for the games. And above all this.

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However, Sørloth concluded that he still wants to give his all for Norway.

– Having said that. It is not a shame to me. I have the best job in the world. Now I’m killing this case for my part. I will probably lose the open goal again. But I can promise one thing. I will give everything for Norway.

Norway will play three international matches in November. They go against Israel (h), Romania (b) and Austria (b). The withdrawal is scheduled for Monday, November 2.
