More than 10,000 municipal employees exposed to serious email attacks – VG


SCAM: The photo shows an example of an email that was sent to employees, disguised as colleagues, but with harmful attachments. Photo: Hedmark ICT

Hedmark ICT says they are exposed to a serious email attack Tuesday night. Seven municipalities in the interior are affected.

– Around 6.30 p.m. M., An employee of the operations department discovered that a series of emails were sent that he perceived as suspicious, Hedmark ICT CEO Edvard Lysne tells VG.

It says that they are exposed to an external attack in which someone has sent emails to all the employees, disguised as colleagues, but with harmful attachments.

– All employees are affected, but we don’t know how many have clicked on the attachment, he says.

It says that it applies to about 10,000 employees and that a virus program is activated by clicking on the attached file. They do not yet know what kind of information someone may have had access to, and therefore they do not know the extent of the damage.

– This is very serious for us, he says.

Hedmark IKT is an inter-municipal IT company that operates, manages and develops solutions for the seven municipalities of Hamar, Stange, Kongsvinger, Sør-Odal, Løten, Nord-Odal and Grue.

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Lysne says they are in contact with national security authorities Tuesday night.

Do you see a connection between this attack and the IT attack on the Storting last week?

– It is obvious to see a connection since it is very close in time, but we do not know enough about the attack, he says.

– We are now working with crisis management and technical expertise to map out the scope and delineate further damage. We have also sent messages to employees, he says.

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