More than 100 students must take the exam again – VG


TEST PROBLEMS: Over 100 BI students experienced computer problems during the test at home and must retake it. Photo: Trond Solberg

Computer problems on home tests cause students to have to retake the tests.

1800 BI students were to be examined on Friday in the course “Financial Accounting and Accounting Analysis”. Just over 100 of these experienced problems with home tests and did not turn in.

Several have reached out to VG and given him clues about the incident.

An error meant that the test answers were not saved on the way and some were not turned in in the digital test tool the school uses. The problem stems from challenges related to browser errors or network connection via VPN, the school states in a press release.

– BI regrets this.

The students in question must retake the exam. A new exam will be held between December 14 and 18. Exactly when will it be ready on Wednesday next week.

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