Møller Eiendom buys the old Deichman library for NOK 245 million


After a long round of bidding with 13 bidders, Møller Eiendom Norge AS finally ended up buying the place from Arne Garborg 4. For NOK 245 million, Møller Eiendom will be the new owner of the old Deichman Library, provided the town hall approves the sale.

The municipality of Oslo writes in a press release late Thursday.

– We are excited and honored to have the opportunity to work with this unique building which for its location in the city, design and position among the citizens of the city represents great potential, says Møller Eiendom CEO Andreas Jul Røsjø in the statement press.

The old library was replaced by a new building in Bjørvika, which opened this summer. When the old library went up for sale in early June, it had an estimated market value of NOK 58.6 million.

Byantikvaren Guides

The new owner, Møller Eiendom Norge, must now adapt to a number of guidelines. The purchase also includes some of the inventory that is made especially for the library. This furniture should remain in the building, no matter what its future function is.

In addition, there are maintenance costs of an additional NOK 64 million.

The main conservation values ​​are associated with the installation. The new owner must adhere to the Byantikvaren guidelines.

It is the city council that will make the final sale decision. When Møller Eiendom signs the sale agreement, the Real Estate and Urban Renewal Agency (EBY) will make a recommendation for political consideration. EBY is selling the property on behalf of the municipality of Oslo.

The sales contract is only valid when the city council has approved the case. Therefore, it will still be some time before the new owner can take over the building, the press release indicates.

– We are satisfied with the process and not least with the great interest in becoming the new owners of this magnificent building in the center. We are also very satisfied with the price achieved and are confident that Møller will meet the conditions we have set through the use of the building, says EBY department director Hanne Svith.

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It was thus clear in early June that the property was put up for sale on the market without a listing.

The department director, Svith, says in the press release that “the market has responded to what a 12,500 square meter library building is worth on just over 4.5 acres of land in central Oslo.”

– Together with brokers from Colliers International and BNM Realist, we believe we have achieved a satisfactory sale price on the old main library, says Svith.

– We believe that the conditions that will guarantee the access of the Oslo population to large parts of the building can be reconciled with our plans for the property. Not least, we hope to do our best in dialogue with the city’s antique dealer and other public bodies to make this uncut diamond shine and live once more, says development director Jakob Krupka at Møller Eiendom.

The buyer, Møller Eiendom, is the real estate business of the Møller Group, which is perhaps best known for automobiles. The group is owned by the family business Aars AS, led by Jan Møller. Møller Eiendom was separated as an independent business from Møller Mobility Group in 2014.(Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via a link, which leads directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the content can only be done with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms, see here.
