Milan want Hauge: agent confirms increased demand from several big clubs – VG


LEGS ON THE GROUND: Jens Petter Hauge was in such good shape against Milan it looked like he could fly home with his own machine. Here he is back in Bodø the day after the Milan match. Photo: BJØRN S. DELEBEKK

MILANO / BODØ (VG) Jens Petter Hauge is a hot man after the big game against Milan. In VG’s experience, the Milan club could be your next employer if Italians get what they want.

– I don’t want to comment on specific clubs, but we know they have feelings for Jens Petter, says his agent, Atta Aneke, about Milan’s interest.

After the match, Milan manager Stefano Pioli declared Hauge “international class” after the 3-2 victory over Bodø / Glimt.

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According to information from VG, the website wrote on Friday that Hauge has been on the Milan wish list for a while, and that interest has increased even further after Hauge’s impressive performance at the San Siro on Thursday.

– It’s natural for such questions to come up, but we just got off the plane and it was quite late after yesterday’s game so I don’t know much, says Jens Petter Hauge to VG at Bodø airport.

Hours before, he told TV 2 that “it is a club in which I would like to play.”

Bodø / Glimt confirms offer

The interest must be concrete and the club must have had conversations with Agent Atta Aneke.

– There was a lot of interest even before the game. There have been clubs that have shown a specific interest. After the game, several, but also the clubs that were before, intensified their desire to reach an agreement or to go out on the field. Interest has skyrocketed, Aneke says of interest in general.

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Bodø / Glimt president Frode Thomassen says they have “a good dialogue” when it comes to the interest of foreign clubs in Jens Petter Hauge.

– There have been concrete offers for Jens Petter, says Thomassen, without elaborating.

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Glimt’s boss on Hauge’s offers: – We have a good dialogue

According to Aneke, there is no shortage of suitors.

– There are clubs from the five major leagues in Europe. There is interest from England, Spain, Germany and Italy …

– And France?

– Eehh… Yes! When it gets so bad that you forget about the clubs, then there are many, he says.

See Hauge’s ravages here:

Praise of the chief of Milan

For Hauge, however, it’s primarily about adapting to the style of play and getting opportunities when it comes to choosing his next destination.

– For us it has always been more important to go to the right project. In a way, it has been the whole package that has something to say. It’s number one on financials, says Aneke.

So it looks like Jens Petter Hauge may be on his way to bigger clubs than Belgian Cercle Brugge, who turned down earlier this year.

– It is clear that I have ambitions and dreams in football. Today I feel that I have shown that I can deliver at a high level in just one game. It’s a bit difficult to say if I’m ready to take that step now or if I have to take a small step in between, Hauge told VG after Thursday’s game.

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The Milan manager about Hauge: – Maintains a high international level

The Milan coach praised the skills of the left wing.

– We knew he was strong, fast and very good coming in from the side. I am very impressed with him. He is a player who is definitely at a high international and European level, Stefano Pioli answered questions about Hauge.

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