– Mentally stressful – VG


Peter Madsen was found after five minutes on the loose. Then he wore what looked like a bomb belt.

Therefore, the police decided to withdraw pending the arrival of the bomb squad. Before this, Madsen was handcuffed.

Most likely, the belt Madsen was wearing was not a real bomb belt.

– There is nothing to indicate that there are explosives in the image, says police inspector Mogens Lauritsen at a press conference.

The police dog bomb has not marked on the belt either.


Prior to this, Madsen had threatened to leave the prison with an object resembling a gun. He then took a prison employee hostage. Ekstra Bladet has previously written that he is about the prison psychologist.

– None of us were hurt physically, but it has been mentally stressful for the employees involved. For the moment, we take care of everyone who has been involved in the prison, says Hanne Høegh Rasmussen, who runs the Herstedvester prison.

In photos from the scene, Madsen is seen sitting on the grass with a belt around his waist. Police snipers are on the scene watching the situation.

The message to the police arrived at 10:21. Then all the available crew were dispatched to the site.

According to a description from prison staff, the police patrol found him a few hundred meters away. This happened at 10:26.

TATT: That’s how it was before Peter Madsen was arrested on Tuesday. Photo: Nils Meilvang / Ritzau Scanpix

I got in a white truck

Police say it is unclear how Madsen got hold of the gun-like object and the “bomb belt.” This is something they are investigating.

– If there is something that he himself has produced, we do not know. But it wasn’t a weapon, and when it comes to the bomb belt, there doesn’t seem to be any explosives in it. The bomb dog did not react and the explosives expert did not think it was explosive, says Lauritsen.

However, they believe there is nothing to indicate that Madsen received help with the escape, not from anyone in prison or outside.

Madsen was arrested while getting into a white van, but police believe the driver was not suspicious. He had a foreign background.

– We will question him, but there are some linguistic challenges there, says Lauritsen.

Now the police and the prison management are investigating how this could happen.

– We will examine what safety procedures we have and whether we have followed them, as well as whether it is necessary to sharpen someone, says Lauritsen.

The Minister of Justice responds

Denmark’s Justice Minister Nick Hækkerup reacts strongly to Madsen’s escape and warns of new prison measures.

– It goes without saying that convicted prisoners who have committed the worst possible crimes should not be able to escape from the custody of the authorities. One thing is for sure: We will implement a number of additional measures against prisoner escapes in the near future, he writes on Twitter.

He further claims that he has asked the prison service for an account to find out how Madsen got out of jail.

– This is not the first time we have experienced serious escape attempts. After the escape of prisoners last year in Slagelse, new security measures have been taken and a new action plan is on the way, writes the Ministry of Justice.

Must have confessed

In 2018, Madsen was sentenced to life in prison for the abuse and murder of Kim Wall, a Swedish journalist who was invited on a trip in the submarine that Madsen had built himself.

Madsen himself has only admitted to having separated Wall’s body and believes he acted in a panic. He explained that he died as a result of poisoning aboard the submarine.

In a recent Danish Discovery Networks documentary, Madsen, on the other hand, confesses to being behind the murder.

– It has nothing to do with who’s to blame. It’s my fault she died. And it’s my fault, because I committed the crime. It’s all my fault, he says in a telephone conversation with a journalist from Discovery’s “Secret Recordings” program.

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