Means: – Positive coronatest


Martin Ødegaard (21) has tested positive in the corona test. He reports on the radio program El Transistor in Spain and several other media, including the important sports daily AS.

– This is one hundred percent credible information, says Petter Veland, an expert in Spanish football, to Dagbladet.

Veland works for Viasport and relayed El Transistor’s Twitter message Tuesday night.

– Ødegaard has tested positive after his return from San Sebastián yesterday. The club is waiting for a new test to confirm the first positive test, it is said.

HISTORICAL: Martin Ødegaard played from the beginning for Real Madrid against Real Sociedad on Sunday. Photo: NTB
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Ødegaard and Real Madrid played against Real Sociedad in San Sebastián on Sunday night. The 21-year-old did well on his debut, but now, at worst, he can be sidelined for several weeks.

– It must have tested positive after returning from San Sebastián. It is an extreme testing regimen. The answer has come once during this day. Now they are waiting for test number two, Veland says.

– There may also be a third test. If everyone gives positive answers, he must be quarantined and, in the worst case, he could lose the game against Serbia in October.

According to AS, Ødegaard trained with the team on Monday, but not Tuesday. Avisa also writes that in that case this is the second positive test in the Real Madrid squad. Mariano contracted the virus in late July.

The case is being updated!
