Maud Angelica (17) named the bravest woman of the year


It was a clearly proud and honored Maud Angelica who accompanied her mother to the stage to thank the award on Saturday night.

– Wow! It means a lot, a lot to me. It feels like I got something of value out of all the horrible things that happened, and I’m really happy that I can. It means a lot, she said in her thank you speech, which Tara posted on Facebook.

It is the tenth time that the women’s magazine has awarded the award to the bravest woman of the year, and Maud Angélica is the youngest to achieve it.

Actress Mari Maurstad and business leader Anita Krohn Traaseth are among those on the jury.

– You can die happy

Maud Angelica moved all of Norway when she spoke at her funeral with her father Ari Behn.

“With television cameras and all of Norway’s attention focused on him in one of his worst moments, the then 16-year-old chose in his self-written speech to address the importance of preventing suicide. He spoke directly to those who also struggle. with mental illness, directly from the heart of a grieving family member, ”the jury writes in their reasoning.

Princess Märtha Louise has her own documentary series on TV 2

When asked why it was important to her to give the speech, Maud Angelica replies that she was not allowed to say goodbye to her father.

– I wanted to tell him how happy I was with him and how grateful I was for him. I couldn’t tell him directly, so at least I thought I could say it after he left. He also wanted to use that pain and special perspective to help someone else, says the 17-year-old.

SHELF: Here, Maud Angelica Behn (17) is applauded after winning the award.  Behn was at the distribution with his mother and Durek Verrett (45).

SHELF: Here, Maud Angelica Behn (17) is applauded after winning the award. Behn was at the distribution with his mother and Durek Verrett (45). Photo: Kvinnemagasinet Tara

In hindsight the messages have reached both Maud Angelica and Princess Märtha Louise, where many say the 17-year-old has saved lives with his speech.

– I thought you could help me help someone else when I was in pain. It means a lot to me. If I can save some lives, then I can die happy, he says.

Maud Angelica was nominated along with boater Julie Kolbeinsvik, local politician Laial Janet Ayoub, Captain Vibeke Sefland, founder Sonja Djønne, and environmental services worker Henriette Vasstrand.

– I really feel that everyone who has been through something hard deserves an award like this, and especially everyone who was nominated. It was very strong hearing about it, says Maud Angelica.

Be motivated

Plus, she says the price motivates her.

– I want to do more things. I don’t know exactly what, but spread love around the world and do something to help people. When you go through something painful, you can use it to destroy yourself or to value. And I really want to use it for value, she says.

Princess Märtha Louise says from the stage that she is very proud of her daughter and the speech she wrote for her father. He wasn’t surprised when his daughter told him she wanted to speak at the funeral.

– I knew she was strong enough. It was incredibly strong to be by her side, she says, and to get an immediate response from her daughter:

– I’m very glad you could be by my side. And all credit (honor) to mom. She has made me the person I am and I love her very, very much.

The 17-year-old has chosen to donate the prize money of 25,000 crowns to the Leve organization, which, among other things, helps people who struggle with suicidal thoughts.

This year’s jury consisted of actress Mari Maurstad and business leader Anita Krohn Traaseth, as well as Tara editor Torunn Pettersen and Tara journalist Lisbeth Skøelv.
