Managing the pandemic in South Korea is a brilliant story. What have they achieved that Europe cannot do?


Authorities in Greater South Korea warn of a crisis and introduce stricter corona measures. The number of infected in the country of 50 million people? On par with Norway.

On Friday, November 13, South Korea reached the highest infection increase in 10 weeks. 191 new infected people were registered in the last 24 hours. The authorities went ahead and imposed fines of 100,000 won (about NKr 800) for not using bandages on public transport and in various public places.

In the last week, the number of infected by. Today, the Prime Minister of South Korea described the situation as a crisis and announced new and stricter measures.

Venues with a high risk of infection must now have stricter distance rules, and events with more than 100 people will be banned. At a concert, the audience cannot sing or eat, according to The Guardian.

South Korea now has just over 29,000 cases of infection in total. Norway has more than 30,000. How is it possible that a country with more than 50 million inhabitants and one of the most densely populated areas in the world has fewer cases of infection than Norway?

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