Make Norway a hydrogen nation


GARDERMOEN (Dagbladet): The Conservatives opened the national gathering with the national anthem and Erna Solberg quoted Jahn Teigen.

“I have a dream that we take care of each other. And give the best of ourselves to everyone else,” sang Teigen.

– Today I want to make his words my own. Because that’s what is needed in this special moment, said Erna Solberg after citing one of her favorite artists, who sadly passed away in February.

Solberg again urged the population to follow the rules of the crown. The dream is to be able to celebrate Christmas with a host of infections, and maybe a vaccine.

– If we are lucky, we can start vaccinating during the winter.

Green on the right

A year before the elections, a conservative party with great confidence is holding its national meeting exposed to the crown. The country’s largest party has also gained renewed confidence as a climate party after Norway reached climate goals this summer.

Solberg devoted most of his speech to how conservatives should make Norway greener, while creating jobs.

Zero-emission ferries between the Nordic countries and a tax system that still penalizes emissions were some of the headlines: – The Conservatives want to start a dialogue with the other Nordic countries in order to make ferry traffic between our countries a zone of zero emissions. It’s a long way to go, but we have to start somewhere, Solberg said.

He will give Erna a pension

He will give Erna a pension


Erna Solberg also launches that Norway will no longer be just an oil and hydroelectric nation. The Prime Minister will have his own hydrogen centers throughout the country.

The Minister of Oil and Energy, Tina Bru, will now prepare a new roadmap for the initiative.

– Hydrogen offers interesting opportunities for Norway, both as an energy and a technology nation, Solberg said, noting that hydrogen has been given a central role in the EU’s investment in green technology.

– This means that the EU will invest heavily in hydrogen when creating new jobs and growth after the pandemic, Solberg said.

– Tina will start working at the Ministry of Oil and Energy to develop a roadmap for hydrogen in Norway. Investing in hydrogen in Norway will be a good example of how we build on the experience we have accumulated. As we have done in agriculture, metal, transportation, oil and gas, Solberg said of his new star Tina Bru.

The aim is to create a Norwegian national market for hydrogen and increase large-scale production.

Open world

But most important of all is stopping the coronavirus.

Solberg warned against individual groups and provided a powerful defense for a still open world and the EEA deal, “the best trade deal in the world.”

– The virus can be fought if knowledge, respirators, infection control equipment and eventually vaccines are not stopped at national borders. Therein lies a lesson in how dependent we are on each other, Solberg said.
