Major Internet Problems Worldwide – The problems of the world’s largest telecommunications operator have now been solved.


American Century Link experienced technical issues on Sunday, which are now resolved.

The company announced this shortly after 5pm Norwegian time.

– We can confirm that all services affected by current IP outages have been restored. We understand how important these services are to our clients and we apologize for the impact of this, the company writes in a Twitter message Sunday afternoon.

But not only Century Link had problems with technology, Altibox customers did not have access to the Internet on Sunday morning.

The head of the internet provider Bahnhof, Jon Karlung, believes that one billion people may be affected.

– Everyone who uses the Internet is affected, says Karlung. to SVT.

– It can be an attack, but it can also be technical problems. It’s just speculation, she adds.

Problems in Norway

In Norway, Altibox customers had more problems on Sunday morning.

– Now we have managed to optimize the network, which means that most of the customers have recovered the Internet, says the communications manager Andreas Veggeland at Altibox to NTB.

– But the subcontractor that delivers throughout Europe and the US still has problems. So some websites may struggle, he says.

It is a major European provider of fiber transmission between countries that have significant technical problems. This created problems, among other things, for Altibox, around 618,000 customers in Norway who did not connect to the Internet on Sunday.

– We can’t say that everything works everywhere, but it has worked for many, says Veggeland.

Telenor follows the situation

Norway’s largest Internet and telecoms provider Telenor tells DN that they are monitoring the situation closely.

– Telenor customers are not affected by this, but we are aware of the situation, says information manager Magnus Line at Telenor. (Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via a link, which leads directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the content may only be done with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms, see here.
