– Life as a Bergen resident is not dangerous – VG


339 people have been confirmed infected with corona in Bergen since last Friday.

– The number of infections is high and the moving average is also increasing. We know from experience that it takes at least seven to ten days before the measures take effect. Therefore, we assume that infection rates in the future will be high, before we possibly see a decline, Bergen City Councilor Roger Valhammer says at a news conference on the situation in the city on Friday.

Since last Friday, 339 people have been registered infected with the virus in the western village, according to figures from the municipality. On Friday, 63 new cases of infection were registered, the second highest in history. On Tuesday the highest number of infected was registered, with 77 new infected.

Two of the newly infected today are nursing home employees, and so far four of the newly infected also have an unknown source of infection.

– This is a high number. That we are 63 today represents another real increase in infection. There are clear signs that the spread of the infection is now not limited to the same extent to young adults, says medical director Trond Egil Hansen.

Those infected today are between 10 and 69 years old, and the average age is increasing, according to Hansen.

– Life as a Bergen resident is not dangerous

Hansen, medical director, says that one does not need to isolate oneself as a Bergen resident, and that as long as the population complies with the measures that have been introduced, the city must be safe. However, remember to limit the number of close contacts.

– We want the increase in infection to be reversed, and that we should see a decrease, and preferably as soon as possible. the measures are also aimed at making Bergen safe for our citizens. Life as a Bergen resident is not dangerous if everyone follows these rules, he says.

Councilor Valhammer says the measures do not mean a ban on meeting people or having fun.

– We have to make sure it will be a different winter, but that doesn’t mean we have to sit at home alone. It is important to know: It is not forbidden to meet, it is not forbidden to invent something funny together, to go to the cinema or the theater. It is important that we continue to do those things. But it is important to meet fewer people, adds Councilor Valhammer.

Various crown measurements

As a result of the massive increase in infection in recent days, the Bergen City Council introduced a series of measures that went into effect on Thursday night this week.

– I can understand that many, both parents and employees, are asking why we have kindergartens and schools open at the same time that we introduce a series of measures in Bergen. But the measures are precisely about making society safe for children and young people, and for those who work with them, Valhammer said Friday.

These are:

  • Prohibition of private meetings with more than ten people, with the exception of the cohorts of kindergarten and primary children.
  • Mandatory for bandages on public transport that cannot be kept one meter apart.
  • Mandatory for indoor bandages in public places where a distance of one meter cannot be maintained.
  • Prohibition of more than 50 participants in public events without a fixed seat. With fixed seats, the limit is 200, according to national regulations.
  • Liquor liquor stop and entry stop at nightclubs at midnight.
  • Requirements for the identification of guests and guest lists in restaurants, even where alcohol is not served.
  • Requirement that the noise level in nightclubs does not exceed a level where guests can carry on a conversation from one meter away
  • New Nursing Home Visiting Restrictions.
  • Recommendation that everyone who can have a home office should have one.

– The most important thing is still the meter and infection control. If we manage to maintain the meter, have good hand hygiene and coughing and stay home when we are sick, we have already reduced the risk of contagion, the town council leader recalls this Friday.

Expand testing capacity

In recent days, it has been tested between 1200 and 1400 daily, and the progress to test is excellent.

FULL: The ER in Bergen is full on Saturday, and people who want to be tested are referred to the testing station in Fyllingsdalen. Here it was chaos earlier in the week. Photo: Marit Hommedal

The municipality reports Friday that the emergency room does not have hours off for the coronation on Saturday. People who want to prove themselves are asked to contact the reception station in Fyllingsdalen or private actors.

Earlier this week, however, the queues at this test station became so great that police were called to the scene to discuss the situation.

At Friday’s press conference, the municipality reports that they have already signed an agreement to use two private companies to increase testing capacity, until a new municipal test station opens in Festplassen in two weeks. This agreement will increase the weekly testing capacity in the city by 1,700 tests.

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