Leprosy is selling lower in newcomer to the green exchange – E24


Volue stock has recently calmed down on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Now Spetalen secures a victory.

Øystein Stray Spetalen has contributed money to several newcomers to the stock market this year.

Stian Lysberg Solum


Prominent investor Øystein Stray Spetalen has launched this year to several of the companies that have made the trip to the Oslo Euronext Growth Stock Exchange market, formerly Merkur Market, and they delivered very well with their choices.

He has now sold himself in one of Euronext Growth’s investments, according to shareholder reviews on Monday.

Spetalen’s investment firm, Tycoon Industrier, has dropped out of the list of Volue’s 50 largest shareholders, meaning it owns fewer than 125,000 shares in Volue, compared to 240,000 shares previously.

The sale takes place after Volue’s stock has risen since trading in October, but at the same time, the rise has recently started to decline.

The green tech company raised money at a price of NOK 32 before listing, while the share price was around NOK 37 last week. This means that the Spetalen shares before the sale were worth around NOK 9 million.

On Monday, Volue’s stock fell five percent at a price of NOK 35.2, due to low market turnover.

Arendals Fossekompani, listed on Oslo Børs, separated the four companies Powel, Scanmatic, Markedskraft and Wattsight and brought them together in Volue.

The company provides, among other things, software and technology services in energy, electrical networks and infrastructure and will contribute to the green change.

Shareholder lists are a couple of days late and Spetalen may have changed its holdings since then.

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