Kim Jong-un surprises everyone – he said sorry and shed a tear


Saturday was a big party in the capital of North Korea. The military parade marked the 75th anniversary of the Labor Party and dictator Kim Jong-un delivered a televised speech.

It is during this speech that the dictator does something extremely strange. He apologized.

“Our people have trusted us, as high as the sky and deep as the sea, but I have not always been able to live up to this satisfactorily,” he said, according to a Korean Times translation, writes The Guardian. .

– I’m very sorry about that, said the dictator.

Read also: North Korean leader: – Will strengthen the army.

Does not spread

Then he took off his glasses and wiped away his tears. Analysts believe this is a sign of the pressure it is under. The dictator continued to refer to his father and grandfather.

– Although I have been given confidence in the great responsibility that is to lead this country, and in maintaining the case of the great comrades Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il thanks to the trust of the people, my efforts and sincerity have not been enough to help people get rid of difficulties in their lives.

The Guardian notes that although the military parade featured a new ballistic missile, the dictator spent most of his time showing sympathy for the country’s citizens.

Shooting: North Korea is said to have fired at South Koreans who would possibly jump north.

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Pressure comes into play

Trade between North Korea and China has fallen dramatically as a result of border closures due to the pandemic. North Korea continues to insist that it has not recorded a single case of the Corona virus.

– It is important to see why you shed tears on such a day. Under his message, it is possible to feel that Kim feels pressure on his leadership, says Hong Min, who is head of department of the Korean Institute for the National Assembly.

The dictator also took the time to make it clear that he would mobilize the country’s nuclear arsenal if threatened, not to mention who could be threatened.
