Karsten Warholm, Athletics | Sprint legend Boldon showed a clip of Warholm to an acquaintance. Then came a spontaneous reaction to his behavior:


The former 200m world champion confronted Karsten Warholm (24) with a theory that made the Norwegian think a little more.

NORWAY SPORTS COLLEGE (Nettavisen): Stern star Warholm recently had a chat with former sprint star Ato Boldon (46).

Among other things, the body language so characteristic of the Norwegian became a theme. Warholm has made it part of his image to become violently psyched before the competition, often hitting himself in the face and roaring uninhibited just before the start.

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The ball, which once became world champion in the 200 meters in 1997 and has Olympic silver and several Olympic bronzes in both the 100 meters and 200 meters, of course he had noticed. He says he had shown a clip of Warholm’s behavior before starting with someone else and then gotten quite a spontaneous reaction from this person.

Then cut: – There you have the problem

The person in question, who according to Bolden was not an expert in athletics but very knowledgeable about sports in general, was quick to point out that the 24-year-old Norwegian burns too much gunpowder with this gesture. In addition, it was noted that athletes who perform well in track and field tend to be calm and focused in the minutes leading up to the kickoff.

Bolden tells Warholm that this was the response he received after showing the clip: “Ah, there you have the problem. The one or two tenths it takes to break the world record, it burns there, screaming and holding on like this before the race “.

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When Nettavisen spoke to Warholm at a press conference at the Norwegian Sports Academy on Tuesday night, he says it was a fun observation on Boldon’s part, but notes that it has worked excellently so far to get him psyched up that way before the Start.

Click the pic to enlarge.  LEGEND: Ato Boldon raced for Trinidad and Tobago and was a huge star in athletics in the 1990s and early 2000s.

LEGEND: Ato Boldon raced for Trinidad and Tobago and was a huge star in athletics in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Photo: Kazuhiro Nogi (AFP / NTB scanpix)

– It’s a curious point and it may be true, but I really think it gives me something. But you never know. It may be that this is something that I have made up that doesn’t really work, Warholm tells Nettavisen.

– So far it has made a good return, then. So I think it gives something and then I can also burn something, but if we count in the end, the favor is lost. At least I hope so, continues the 24-year-old.

“You haven’t thought about it a bit in hindsight, then?” That maybe there was a point there?

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– I have thought about it and it seems very funny, because it is obvious that you will probably burn something, but I like to think that it gives me something. I probably won’t stop doing that right away. Warholm responds.

Warholm: – quite established

He likes the idea that it has now become part of his image, even though he did not originally intend to.

– Gradually, it has been consolidating a lot, although it is something that actually came for completely different reasons, through our training. I still think it’s kind of nice that people think, “There is Warholm” and everyone can hear it, he says.

The 24-year-old, as is well known, has chased Kevin Young’s world record of 46.78 seconds throughout this season. In Stockholm, the Norwegian came incredibly close to erasing the 1992 record, when he clocked an incredible 46.87 seconds.

The 2020 season has generally been a victory march for the Norwegian with two World Cup titles in the 400m hurdles. Despite the fact that there were no Olympics in Tokyo and that he failed to break the world record, the Ulsteinvik boy achieved four of the eleven fastest times of the distance. He also became the first to run below 47.10 twice in the same season.

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Looking ahead to next season, which according to the plan will be Olympic, it is important to slim down even more in search of the record. Warholm is aware that training is the most important factor for further progress, although other things count as well.

– Training, above all

For much of the 2020 season, the Norwegian, among other things, has had very little resistance from competitors, as stronger opponents have not been available to compete as a result of Covid-19. He has also run through scattered positions.

Click the pic to enlarge.  KNOW THE STYLE: Here Karsten Warholm ramps up his mind before hitting his second World Cup gold.  It happened in Doha in 2019.

KNOW THE STYLE: Here Karsten Warholm ramps up his mind before hitting his second World Cup gold. It happened in Doha in 2019.
Photo: Petr David Josek (AP / NTB scanpix)

– Ultimately, it’s the training that comes down to. Now I have been very close. Better opponents can help, the audience can help and there are many things that can help with the result, but training is first and foremost what is needed to maintain the continuity that I am very good at, says Warholm.

– As a result, training is the biggest investment, he adds.

However, it is still uncertain how the 2021 season will turn out and it could soon end up being similar to the season just concluded if the crown situation does not improve.

– A balancing act

Although both the Olympics and the European Championships went well for Warholm and the other athletes in 2020, he still feels that the training year as a whole has been a good investment.

– Exercise is probably the best way to improve. The competition is also very high as the best quality training you can get, but this year we had to train for a long time and I think it was positive, although it was difficult for a few weeks there, says the 24 year old.

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– When the country was in a panic, so were we, but as things opened up and we took control, we were able to train well and for a long time, says the hurdler.

If there’s a full racing season next year, with the best on the starting line and the crowd in the stands, Warholm hopes it can help him set the record.

– There are many things that can have a positive effect next year. At the same time, there are also some dangers to avoid such as injuries and so on. It’s a balancing act, he says.
