Kamala Harris tested negative for coronavirus – VG


Two of Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s employees are infected with the crown and Harris will stop traveling until Sunday. Here she participates in Amy Coney Barrett’s on-screen Senate hearing. Photo: Anna Moneymaker / AP / NTB

Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who canceled her trips over the weekend after her communications manager was infected with corona, tested negative.

Campaign staff for the vice presidential candidate say the communications manager and a crew member on the plane she used during a trip to Arizona on October 8 tested positive for the coronavirus.

According to campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon, there was no “close contact” between Harris and the crew member during the trip and therefore the vice presidential candidate is not in quarantine.

As a precaution, Harris will still cancel planned travel activities through Monday, October 19, and will instead campaign online, O’Malley Dillon said Thursday.

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On a trip with Biden

Her campaign apparatus later that day stated that both Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff had tested negative again.

Harris was scheduled to travel to North Carolina on Thursday, where he would attend events to encourage early voting.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was also on a trip to Arizona, but also had no close contact with the two who were diagnosed with the infection.

Harris and Biden also attended various events together in Arizona, had private meetings and met with reporters at an airport. They wore masks during public appearances and, according to advisers, they also wore masks during closed meetings.

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Public meeting

Both Biden and Harris have undergone multiple negative coronal tests since October 8. According to the plan, Biden will participate in a televised public meeting on Friday evening Norwegian time.

The cancellation of Harris’s travel business is ending Biden’s campaign efforts in key states. After the trip to North Carolina, Harris was heading to Ohio on Friday.

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