Journalists Denied Having His Name In Biden’s Article – VG


SUSPICIOUS: After the New York Post tabloid claimed that presidential candidate Joe Biden (center) had abused his position as vice president to help his son (left), various outlets have cast doubt on the newspaper’s original work. Photo: DAVID MCNEW / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

When the New York Post published allegations about Hunter Biden’s past, it was picked up in the American media. Two of the newspaper’s own journalists have denied having their names in the case.

Writes The New York Times, citing two anonymous sources from the competitor.
Here’s the thing: Last week, the New York Post ran a controversial article about Hunter Biden, the son of presidential candidate Joe Biden. As a result of the article, the newspaper has received massive criticism for having used unverified information.

Facebook was quick to cast doubt on the facts that emerged in the article, while Twitter immediately took action to stop the spread of the article.

In the article, the newspaper claims, among other things, that the presidential candidate has used his position as vice president to ensure the influence and economic benefit of his son in China and Ukraine.

Now, the New York Times claims that several journalists from the newspaper did not want his name in the case, because they were concerned about the credibility and motive of the source. Two of the journalists are said to have refused to include their names in the case, writes NYT.

Several of the journalists were also concerned about whether the newspaper had complied with the information they had received, the newspaper reports. New York Magazine also covers the case.

No journalist would ask

According to anonymous sources in the New York Times, the New York Post held an editorial meeting to discuss the matter before publication.

Then the former editor of the newspaper, Colin Allan, should have encouraged the newspaper to rush to publish the evidence they put up.

The source who has spoken to the New York Times further claims that the newspaper struggled to recruit journalists to write the case, as no one wanted to be held responsible.

When the case was published on Wednesday, October 14, it was journalists Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge, who were listed in the signature. The former was previously affiliated with the conservative news channel Fox News.

EVIDENCE OF DISPUTE: Hunter Biden (right) is accused of sending suspicious emails to contacts in both Ukraine and China. However, the email tests have never been confirmed. Here he is portrayed with his late brother, Beau Biden, in 2012. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

You think Biden has helped your son

In the article on Hunter Biden, the New York Post claims that they are based on evidence taken from a hard drive that belongs to the presidential candidate’s son. In addition, they believe they have found photos and documents on the hard drive indicating that the presidential candidate has illegally helped his son.

Among other things, they point to an email correspondence between a senior manager of the controversial Burisma gas company and Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden has been a member of the company’s board, and the newspaper claims the emails show that he introduced this top manager to his father, while he was vice president of the United States and responsible for US-Ukraine relations.

The AP news agency has subsequently stated that the content of the article is dubious. So far no other media has confirmed the content.

Sources: closely affiliated with Trump

The controversial New York Post article refers to two sources who are or have been close associates of President Donald Trump. The newspaper claims, among other things, that it was Trump’s former adviser Stephen K. Bannon who briefed them on the evidence.

The newspaper also claims that it was Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, who delivered the hard drive copy to the newspaper on October 11.

The New York Times writes that Giuliani has subsequently stated that he chose to hand over the hard drive copy to the conservatively oriented New York Post, because no other newspaper would justify it.

Giuliani further says he was confident that the newspaper would verify and attempt to disprove the evidence, before they possibly published anything, writes the New York Times.

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