Johaug on Bjørgen’s return: – Rått – VG


TOGETHER AGAIN: Therese Johaug (left) and Marit Bjørgen clearly enjoyed competing with each other again. Photo: Jostein Overvik

TRYVANN (VG) Therese Johaug beat Marit Bjørgen by two minutes on the slopes at Holmenkollåsen. But she thinks the 40-year-old makes a big impression on the comeback.

– It’s raw. He’s been out for two years and the training is new. Even though he has gone fast before, a job will be laid off, recalls Therese Johaug (32) after the rollerblading race for Bjørgen’s new team, Team Ragde Eiendom.

Johaug was still a raw match in the first competitive meeting between friends in five years. From Årnes in Sørkedalen to Bogstad, Bjørgen stayed well away, but on the climbs Johaug surpassed the all-time Winter Olympics.

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Before the start, Bjørgen predicted that she would be defeated by two minutes. In the end, the clock stopped at two minutes, two seconds and 94 hundredths. With about 400 meters of elevation gain and a duration of 45 minutes, the performance was undoubtedly good.

– He’s inside, thinks Bjørgen and remembers that Johaug has sometimes beaten the world elite by minutes in the two seasons since he left.

Throughout the summer, Bjørgen has begun his engagement with Vasalopp this winter. She confirms to VG that there may be long runs before then. You can also talk about walking a NM distance.

“I’m good up and an elite athlete,” Johaug recalled.

– I am the mother of two children, Bjørgen replied with a smile.

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Laughter was present and the atmosphere was good with the strong wind at the top of Oslo. When asked by NRK, Johaug did not rule out Marit Bjørgen from going to the World Cup again.

– No, you can’t see me at the World Cup. That time ended, Bjørgen responded to who he met with Fred Børre Lundberg and the sons after their first competition since the National Championship in 2018.

– I think it went well this fall. I’ve been on some long trips with the guys from Team Ragde and gotten positive responses, says Bjørgen, explaining that he “keeps his arms up” after four hours of skiing on wheels.

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– It will be exciting to follow Marit to Vasaloppet. I’m not pressuring her. But she’s serious when she competes in roller skiing at Sørkedalen in September, says Therese Johaug.

Marit Bjørgen was looking forward to the 45 minute session:

– It’s fun to feel tired again.

John Arne Riise also got tired on the roller rink. The winner of the Champions League with 110 international matches took advantage of his own 40th anniversary for a very tough trip on skis. Riise finished nearly nine minutes behind Johaug.

“I’m so stupid, you know, Riise smiled when VG congratulated him on the warm-up day.”

TOUGH CELEBRATION: John Arne Riise spent his 40th birthday on skis to Tryvann. Here with Therese Johaug after the end. Photo: Jostein Overvik

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