Joe Biden boasts of Donald Trump


The case is up to date

“We owe a lot to these people,” Biden said of the health workers before preparing to receive the corn vaccine at Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware on Monday.

He also took the time to brag about the Trump administration, which caused a stir in the United States.

– I would like to thank the administration for their work. They did a good job and developed a vaccine quickly, Biden said.

Then it was time for vaccination.

– I’m ready, Biden said before getting the vaccine.

The Pfizer-Biontech vaccine Biden received is taken in two doses three weeks apart. The vaccine gives full effect one week after the second dose has been taken, NTB writes.

– He’s probably very busy right now, Biden asked the health worker.

He was able to confirm this before putting the syringe on Biden’s upper left arm.

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100 million doses

An ER nurse at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut was the first to receive a Modernas injection on Monday.
vaccine, which on Friday was urgently approved for use by authorities, writes NTB.

“I feel privileged,” said Mandy Delgado.

The Pfizer-Biotech vaccine was launched a week ago, and by the end of January, 50 million Americans will have received
the first dose of this, says Health Minister Alex Azar.

By March, 100 million are scheduled to have received at least one dose of one of the two vaccines, according to him.

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Hit hard

Although the vaccination escalation is good news, the United States is also experiencing a record spread of the infection and is on top of the world in the number of corona deaths, NTB writes.

So far, more than 18 million people have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease in the United States, where more than 325,000 coronary deaths have been recorded.

Thus, the United States has 98 deaths per crown per 100,000 inhabitants, almost five times more than the world average and more than 13 times more than in Norway, which has seven deaths per crown per 100,000 inhabitants.

A new record for the number of deaths from corona in the US was reported on Friday at 2,814, and on Saturday nearly 250,000 were diagnosed with the infection. That was also a new record.

More than 113,000 coronary heart disease patients were hospitalized in the United States on Monday.

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