Jan Bøhler in talks with the Pensioners’ Party before the transition to the SP – VG


TWO FROM Labor to Social Democrats: Jan Bøhler joins Labor veteran Tor-Erik Røberg-Larsen on Social Democrats. Bøhler is proposed as the main candidate for Oslo Sp, while Røberg-Larsen is ranked 10th on the list. Photo: Terje Bringedal

Jan Bøhler (68) negotiated with the Pensioners’ Party and also considered making his own list, before the Oslo Labor Party parliamentary representative became the main candidate for the Oslo Center Party.

Harald Fagervold, who is the local team leader of the Pensioners’ Party in Trøndelag, tells VG that he met Bøhler in Oslo this summer.

– Jan Bøhler said that at that time he considered several alternatives, that there were several parts that were relevant. So I organized a formal meeting between him and the leadership of the Pensioners’ Party. The Oslo party reported that they were open to giving him first place on the Storting’s list, Fagervold tells VG.

In close collaboration with a close friend, Tor-Erik Røberg-Larsen from Romsås in Oslo with 48 years of Labor Party membership, Bøhler has spent the summer reorienting himself on the party landscape.

In July, he announced that he saw no chance of being re-nominated by the Oslo Labor Party.

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Dissatisfied Jan Bøhler (Labor Party) does not seek re-election to the Storting

“Jan, you have to move on”

Here’s how Bøhler himself explains what happened next:

– There are many of my people, my voters, who said that “Jan, you must stand firm” and “we must have you in the Storting, you work for our problems.” Several of them have come up with the idea, without my saying it, that “the Center Party could be the solution, they are so close to the same positions that you have had,” says Bøhler.

But it won’t say anything about other relevant parts:

– Now I’ve decided on this. I am very relieved and happy about it. That’s the case today, he responds.

The party of the generation

Røberg-Larsen confirms that they had talks with the Pensioners’ Party:

– But Jan didn’t want to associate with older people, and then they said they were willing to change their name to Generation Party to get Jan back, says a close friend of Bøhler’s.

– Was it also relevant to make your own list?

– We also talked about that, confirms Røberg-Larsen.

At the end of August, the leader of the SP, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Bøhler were together in a full-day program in Groruddalen. VG is informed that a later dinner must have laid the groundwork for future conversations.

– Trygve has been a good interlocutor along the way, says Røberg-Larsen.

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ANNOUNCES TRANSITION: Sp Jan Bøhler and Trygve Slagsvold Vedum went to Grorud to present the split of the Labor Party representative from Labor and the transition to Sp. Photo: Bringedal, Terje


Account of a night in Grorud a couple of weeks ago, when the two decided to choose Sp:

– It was after a football game and we were behind the sausage house. When we left the Pensioners Party, which did not have the resources for an adequate electoral campaign, there were no doubts. It was not yes, yes. It was yes, yes, come on, says Røberg-Larsen.

Vebjørn Varlid has chaired the nominating committee at Oslo Sp. He says that the first talks between Bøhler and the committee took place on September 23, Wednesday of last week.

– We in the committee have known Jan as a true artist of the central festival, who wants to be close to the people. Since he is now the parliamentary representative of Oslo Sp, he is a natural first candidate on our list, he says.

The nominating committee at Oslo Sp has also cleared 10th place for Bøhler’s good friend Tor Erik Røberg-Larsen.

– They asked me if I wanted to be in one of the top five places. But I have much more to do, he says.

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Jan Bøhler after transition to Sp: – I expected us to part as good friends

We were in contact

Harald Fagervold says there was no name change from the Pensioners’ Party to the Generations Party this fall, because it was not possible to hold a national meeting with crown restrictions.

– I have kept in contact with Bøhler, through phone conversations and email since then. Last Wednesday I spoke to him. Then he said he would make a decision and it would be known today, says Fagervold.

– Are you disappointed that I chose the party in the center in front of you?

– No way. But who knows what would have happened if we had made that name change, says Fagervold.

Support group created

Sarah Gaulin at Søndre Nordstrand Ap created the Facebook group “We who love Jan Bøhler at the Storting” in July, when Bøhler announced that she was withdrawing from the nomination. The group gained more than 4,200 members.

– It was not this final result what he wanted, he tells VG.

– Jan was stripped of all posts in the Oslo Labor Party and I am convinced that a plan had been made for him to leave the Storting, either voluntarily or by force. I apologize that Jan is the best politician the Labor Party could get for the south and east of Oslo. I think we lose a mandate from Sp on this, completely unnecessary, says Sarah Gaulin.

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