– I’ve been so embarrassed – VG


PRISONED: Isabelle Eriksen shares the prison journal in a new book. Photo: Christian Askim / Sanatoriet Studio

In the book “Prisoner number 19/227”, the influencer Isabelle Eriksen (24) writes about what it was like to be in prison for two months.

After being sentenced to prison for two cases of violence, the influencer had to serve a sentence in a women’s prison in January of last year.

– You are embarrassed?

– I’ve been terribly ashamed, and I’m still sorry. But I’m also looking forward to the book. I feel like it will be easier for people to see me and understand something, Eriksen tells VG.

In 2019, she was convicted of throwing a bottle or glass at a man and then attacking a taxi driver. For the first incident she was sentenced to 90 days in prison and for the second to 30 days in prison.

In the book “Inserted number 19/227”, readers can see the diary he wrote during his imprisonment.

These are my innermost thoughts, my deepest thoughts about myself and other people. I get completely naked in that book. That is why I am so nervous.

Eriksen also writes about a difficult youth. When your parents read the first draft of the book, there were several things they didn’t know before.

– For me it has been a great therapy to write it. I don’t like talking about emotions so much, that’s why it’s easier for me to write it.

This is the cover of Isabelle Eriksen’s debut book. The book will be published in early March. Photo: Editorial Kagge

Will be open

There was a lot of speculation and rumors before Eriksen in March last year first told about the events on his own blog and admitted: «I have done something stupid, which I regret and have received my punishment for».

He did not elaborate on what he had done, but said he wanted to write to fans as there had been a lot of speculation and rumors. Eriksen has 129,000 followers on Instagram and has previously participated in “Paradise Hotel.”

– It is important for me to be open to my followers. But I also want this book to help others. He had no one to ask, no one to look at, he had no examples when he was in difficult situations. I hope this book can help people. If it can only help one person, then it is a success for me.

– You have a lot of young fans who look up to you. How do you think they will react to what you write?

– I’ve thought about this a lot. I think it is important that it is completely open. Many people will probably think that I am a terrible person, and they should be allowed to think that. I myself know that I am not.

also read

Isabelle Eriksen after prison sentence: – She did something stupid

Convicted twice

Eriksen has been convicted twice of violence. The first incident took place at a house party in October 2018. Eriksen was acquitted for the first time in the Oslo District Court, but had to pay 15,000 crowns in compensation. The case was later appealed and she was found guilty at the Court of Appeal and sentenced to 90 days in prison. Offended he had to sew four stitches, according to the verdict.

The incident with the taxi driver occurred in March 2019. Eriksen explained that he does not remember anything of what happened, until he spoke to the police that same night.

«The blows to the head came from behind, while the defendant sat in the back seat and the victim drove. The victims did not have the opportunity to defend themselves or escape without risking a traffic accident»He says at the trial.

I LEARNED A LOT: 2020 was an educational year for Eriksen Photo: Astrid Waller, Kagge Forlag

– it’s absolutely horrible

– We need to talk a bit about the path to this book. He has been convicted of violence. How do you relate to that today?

– No, it’s absolutely horrible. But if I am going to be able to go on living in life, as I must, then I must be able to forgive myself. I probably haven’t realized that yet. I work very hard on it. The very word prison is difficult for me to pronounce. This is difficult for me, says Eriksen.

– I know that I have deceived myself and made mistakes. I think about this every day and will work to become a better person. The things I did certainly weren’t right, but I want to show people that these stupid actions are things that I regret and hope they don’t define me.

Eriksen says it is a taboo subject and that he has learned a lot from his time in prison. Beforehand, he had feared much.

– He was terrified of what he was going to face. But then I met so many good people, of course many who were not so good and, but I learned that behind every action there is a complete person. I learned that the dumbest thing to do is to prejudge.

The book won’t be published until March.

– Convicted persons also have freedom of expression.

The book’s publisher, Maiken Fotland, says the book came about as a result of Eriksen keeping a journal while serving his sentence.

– Afterwards, he took us to the publisher to hear what we thought about the text. It’s both a strong personal story and an inside story about life in a Norwegian women’s prison.

– What evaluations have you made when you let a convict write you a book?

– This is not a book that goes well with the verdict. Isabelle Eriksen doesn’t want to justify what she’s done, but convicts also have freedom of expression, says the editor.

Fotland says that while the book conveys Eriksen’s experience of what happened, it is primarily about what happens after the verdict. About making up for it, about what it’s like to serve a sentence in a Norwegian women’s prison, about facing one’s own and other people’s prejudices and about trying to face the world with your head held high again.

– As a publisher, we are interested in publishing books about people with different lives, experiences and backgrounds.
