It can take as long as we want to travel again


Aviation is in crisis. Very strict travel restrictions have meant that airlines now only have a few routes open, primarily domestically. Norwegian is struggling these days to survive, and this week SAS announced that they will.
it must lay off 5,000 employees, around 1,300 of them in Norway.

On TV 2 Bare business, SAS CFO Torbjørn Wist explains how the crown crisis seems to affect aviation for a long time:

– It is a precarious situation, and it ends on time, and it expands. Some countries, such as the Czech Republic, say they will close the borders in the coming year. So we see that the network will take a long time to arrive
upstairs says Torbjørn Wist.

Summer Vacation

It is already clear that the health authorities recommend not leaving the country this summer. And to stem the total crisis of hotels and other tourism companies, Norwegians are encouraged to explore Norway during the summer holidays. Torbjørn Wist cree
However, it is not that I will return to many flights this summer.

– We see that everyone is encouraged to vacation in Norway, so it is clear that it may affect domestic traffic a bit in the future. At the same time, we believe that many will be on vacation very close to their homes. There is also a capacity problem, and
There must be commercially viable routes. But then we continually take action as demand increases, Wist says.

Take time

The SAS summit believes that more domestic flights will be needed in the fall.

– Then you can also see relief in travel restrictions within Scandinavia. But to think that there will be great traffic to Europe in the second half, we have less faith in that, says Wist in Bare business.

– So, when will Ola and Kari Nordmann leave to spend a weekend in Paris or a week in Gran Canaria?

– Yes, from my point of view, I should have invited them tomorrow. But this depends on how long it takes before travel restrictions are eased. Fortunately, Norwegians, Swedes and Danes are happy to travel. And when you do
By looking at past crises, people have little memory and cravings to travel quickly return. So we think it’s a commercial base, but it will take some time to get back there, “says Wist.

Digital meetings

SAS has had business travelers as perhaps the most important target group, rather than Norway, which has focused primarily on leisure travelers. And despite the expansion of the crisis of the crown of work meetings on digital platforms, the SAS Summit believes that a
A good part of the customer base will return.
