Ine Eriksen Søreide on Biden, Trump and the relationship with the US


She attributes the same expectation to Democratic candidate Joe Biden when Dagbladet interviews her on Election Day.

– I have a clear expectation that those who lose the elections will recognize the electoral defeat and contribute to a peaceful seizure of power if there is a change. This is a huge responsibility that political leaders of all countries have, says Eriksen Søreide.

He notes that questions have been raised in various places about how the political drama will unfold in the United States if there is no clear outcome early enough one way or another.

– It is natural that an electoral defeat is recognized when the result is clear and helps to alleviate any unrest in the population, says the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

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The final judgment of the number crusher

– I spent in the USA.

Eriksen Søreide describes the situation in the United States at this time as “tense and polarized”.

POSITIVE: Ine Eriksen Søreide has had several meetings with the US administration. Here, after talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington. Video: Vegard Kvaale / Dagbladet.
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“Confidence in the federal government is low and it affects the electoral system,” he said, reiterating the clear message to Trump and Biden:

– I hope that both candidates help defuse the situation and acknowledge defeat as soon as it is evident. Then we are prepared so that some time may pass before a final result is available.

Regarding Norway’s expectations, she responds diplomatically:

– The United States will remain Norway’s most important ally no matter who wins the election.

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Closest conditions

Almost four years have passed since Donald Trump took his seat as President of the United States. In the four years, the relationship between the United States and Norway has grown even closer in some areas, he believes.

– We have a close and good relationship with our most important ally, especially with regard to security and defense policy. It’s a relationship that I think has deepened in the last four years.

– As?

– The United States has become more clearly involved in European security by demanding a better distribution of the load in NATO, but also by increasing the participation of the United States in important exercises. There has also been considerable US interest in our assessments of Russia and the Upper North, says Eriksen Søreide.

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US elections can be decided in court

Ready for both results

Eriksen Søreide says Norway is well prepared for four new years under Trump, just as the Foreign Service is also prepared for Joe Biden to take over.

– We plan the two possible outcomes well, as we always do when there are presidential elections in the United States, he says.

– We certainly did four years ago, and perhaps to a greater extent than many other countries. We maintain good contact with both Republicans and Democrats, regardless of who the president is. We have a good network and a good admission in the United States, and not just in the White House.

Fear America

Fear America “violent and destructive”

The Foreign Minister notes that Norway has clearly marked a disagreement with the United States in several areas in recent years. Decisions to withdraw from the World Health Organization and the United States to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on reducing climate emissions and the nuclear deal with Iran have been criticized by Norway. Criticism was also met with Trump’s decision to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

– There is definitely room for that kind of disagreement. We clearly state when US policy cuts across Norwegian or global interests, he says.

– A different politician

Ine Eriksen Søreide participated in Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s visit to the White House in January 2018. She then met Trump herself.

MEET TRUMP: Ine Eriksen Søreide met Donald Trump during her visit to the White House in 2018. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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– It was a pleasant meeting, where Norway received positive reviews.

– What do you think about him?

– It is not my job to say anything about the leaders of other countries. I’m more concerned with what we achieve in collaboration with the US, replies Søreide, who nevertheless elaborates a bit:

– There is no doubt that he is a heterodox and different politician, who works in a different way than we are used to. And regardless of whether he is re-elected, there will be a crew change in Washington. There will be changes. Our job is to prepare for this.

More introverted

Regardless of who wins the election, Eriksen Søreide believes that America will be recognizable.

– I think we can expect continuity first and foremost, but regardless of who wins, the United States will likely become more introverted, as a result of the country being hit hard by the pandemic and experiencing rising unemployment and slower economic growth .

Eriksen Søreide continues with a grim description of the superpower America:

– The longest growth period in US history is now broken. It has enormous consequences in an already polarized society. Confidence in the federal government is at an all-time low and about 40 percent of Americans are unable to raise $ 400 in a short time.

– Doesn’t Norway care who wins?

– As I said, we have every reason to expect continuity, but I think it opens up opportunities for new areas of cooperation in the event of a change, especially in the climate and environment. And as president, Biden will likely place more emphasis on multilateral cooperation than Trump. At the same time, we see opportunities to further deepen cooperation with a possible continued Trump administration.

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The election is in full swing – record turnout expected

Disagreement with Biden

Eriksen Søreide believes that both Biden and Trump will continue the confrontation with China, albeit with somewhat different wording.

– The fact that the rivalry between the great powers is increasing will affect all countries, including Norway, says the foreign minister.

When asked where there may be disagreements between Norway and the United States with Biden as president, she points to the High North.

– When it comes to growth and protection in the Arctic, Norway has long believed that striking a good balance is critical, while Democrats are traditionally clearer on protection. It can create room for disagreement, he says.


In the Storting, the vast majority share the government’s view on the importance of a close and intimate relationship with the United States and the importance of the NATO alliance for Norwegian security.

The foreign policy consensus line has long remained fixed, although it has been questioned regularly and over time by the left. Red leader Bjørnar Moxnes is critical of the government’s vision and believes Norway has gotten too close to Donald Trump’s America.

– Now we must free ourselves and make ourselves less dependent on an increasingly unpredictable and assertive America. And we must do it regardless of who wins these elections: Norway cannot continue to submit to the great-power war of positions regardless of who the president is, he says.
