– In principle, closed borders – VG


Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad says the world travel advice applies to everyone. – Here, those who produce television programs must comply with the advice and rules that apply.


– The advice applies to everyone, says Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad to VGTV.

VG wrote on Tuesday that the reality series “Paradise Hotel” will be filmed as usual in Mexico, despite the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has extended the global travel council from March 1 to April 15. The Travel Council primarily means that the government advises against all travel that is not strictly necessary.

55 people from the “Paradise Hotel” production, plus participants, will travel from Norway to Mexico in March, according to Thomas Horni, Nent’s press contact.

Responding to the recording of “Paradise Hotel”: – A vertical middle finger for the entire working day

When the deputy director of health is asked about the trip to Mexico on Thursday, he answers the following:

– When governments land to discourage travel abroad now, it applies to everyone. Also, there are some in some contexts, where it is necessary to travel anyway. In the business world, it is sometimes the case that some people must be able to travel, and some may have relatives abroad and must, for example, go to a funeral that is considered very important, he says, adding:

– And then during the pandemic, it’s been a little different how strict this has been with travel.

Now he points out that he is very strict.

– Where in principle there are closed borders, with some very strict exceptions.

also read

To record “Paradise Hotel” in Mexico, despite global travel advice

– It is difficult in a pandemic

In addition, Nakstad talks about what is necessary to travel, and adds that it is the person in charge who decides.

– Here, those who produce television programs must comply with the advice and rules that apply. And then I will not comment on all those who still choose to travel and break the travel advice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

– Is it necessary to record TV abroad?

– Those who produce must decide for themselves. It’s difficult in a pandemic, because we can’t make lists of a hundred things about what is necessary and what is not necessary. The responsible person must decide for himself, says Nakstad.

VG has yet to receive a response from Nent on whether they will comment on Nakstad’s remarks here.

also read

Responds to the recording of “Paradise Hotel”: – A vertical middle finger throughout the working day

CRITICAL: Kaveh Rashidi reacts to this year’s planned recording. Photo: Kristoffer Myhre

After the New Year, Mexico has experienced a huge wave of corona infections and deaths. So far, 166,731 people have lost their lives, according to the WHO.

In social networks, several have reacted to the departure of Norwegian Nent. One of them is the physician and author Kaveh Rashidi. It is clear to him in his speech to VG: “Paradise Hotel” should not be recorded in Mexico.

– A trip can go well for some, perhaps for most. But we don’t know which trip it is that carries the only virus that spreads like wildfire, and we know that the more we travel, the greater the risk of importing the infection, Rashidi says.
